Friday, August 4, 2023

OpenAI ChatGPT: Generative AI Buzz in Pakistan

A Singapore-based cybersecurity firm Group-IB discovered in June that over 100,000 ChatGPT user accounts were compromised and their credentials found on the Dark Web. Among the accounts reported compromised, India topped with 12,632, followed by Pakistan with 9,217 and Brazil with 6,531. Bangladesh witnessed the fewest instances with 2,463. This report gave a glimpse of the high interest level of Indians and Pakistanis in generative AI.  Another report attributed to Similarweb, which tracks popularity of websites by number of visitors, ranked ChatGPT in Pakistan at number 7, ahead of Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Globally ChatGPT website is ranked 17th. Prior to this, there was a series of news reports about the launch of Presidential Initiative for Artificial Intelligence and Computing (PIAIC) by President Arif Alvi, and then came the government's policy to train one million AI experts in the country by 2027. Pakistanis published 2,600 AI-related research papers from 2016 to 2020, according to Statista

Top 10 Countries by Number of ChatGPT Accounts Compromised. Source: Group IB

Back in 2017, then Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi inaugurated a National Centre for Artificial Intelligence (NCAI) at the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) in Islamabad. It was followed by a Rs 1.1 billion budgetary allocation for select universities with AI research to be coordinated by NCAI. In 2020, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) set up a Center of Artificial Intelligence and Computing (CENTAIC). 

While OpenAI is the first to offer a Generative AI model trained on vast amounts of data, Google has also joined the generative AI race with its own offering. Google BARD appears to have capabilities similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Very little is known about the specific datasets used for training either of them, raising some trust issues about the results produced by them. 

Training/Using Generative AI Foundation Models. Source: Analytics Vidhya

Top global cloud operators Amazon, Google and Microsoft are now offering generative AI services to their clients for an additional fee. Cloud apps developers in Pakistan and elsewhere can train these base  models on their custom datasets to develop AI applications for agriculture, business, education, finance, healthcare, law etc. The AI market in Pakistan is currently estimated at $123 million by Statista Market Insights

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently featured four Pakistani startups at the forefront of AI/ML: SalesFlo, Ozoned Digital, XpertFlow and Trukkr.  SalesFlo offers sales software for FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) companies.  Ozoned Digital caters to the technology needs of the insurance industry.  XpertFlow is an AI-powered preventative healthcare company.  Trukkr provides financial services and technology for logistics.  These and other startups are well positioned to take advantage of the new generative AI services being offered by cloud vendors. 

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Riaz Haq said...

ChatGPT Rapidly Penetrating In Pakistan Amongst Youth

Similarweb, a renowned ranking service for internet services and websites, ranks ChatGPT at 7th position among the popular websites for Pakistani internet users.

This ranking places ChatGPT ahead of Instagram at 8th position, Twitter at 9th position, and TikTok at 10th. This trend shows the rapidly growing acceptance and usage of AI-powered conversational agents in Pakistan’s digital landscape.

Globally, OpenAI’s website secures the 17th spot with astounding 1.90 billion visits in the month of May alone.

Notably, over 81% of the visitors fall within the age range of 18 to 44 years, indicating ChatGPT’s widespread appeal among young and tech-savvy individuals worldwide.

The rapid success of ChatGPT is connected to its wide range of capabilities. Its users can leverage the chatbot to easily access desired information, generate content, and perform various tasks.

Its intuitive interface and powerful AI technology have made it an invaluable tool for individuals seeking instant answers, article writing assistance, and more.

Ahmed said...

Dear Sir

Thank you for sharing this , actually the data of users who have their account on ChatGPT is stored on cloud and Sir till now many Cloud engineers and Cloud professionals are worried about the security of cloud based services that are being offered by CSP( Cloud Service Providers). This is another reason why Cloud based security professionals are in great demand these days and inshallah in the future their will be more demand of Cloud based security professionals just as their is great demand for cyber security professionals and cyber security specialists .


Ahmed said...

Salam Sir

Their are some other serious issues with GPT chat software along with the security of its users account and datas.

The answers provided by GPT chat softwares are not always 100% correct or relevant to the questions that are asked by users .
So GPT chat has its own flaws and this clearly shows that what ever information that this software extracts from internet using different sources . It doesn’t have the capability to check and verify that information or knowledge which it extracts or retrieves from the internet .

Riaz Haq said...

Generative AI Will Sprint Into Your Business Through Four Doors

Generative AI (gen AI) was born on November 30, 2022, with the release of ChatGPT, and it’s been moving 100 miles an hour ever since, drawing in 100 million people and counting. As new and surprisingly powerful as gen AI is, we can already see how companies will incorporate gen AI capabilities into their businesses’ strategies and operations. Our experience with two earlier, explosive technologies show you how.

The BYO explosion of the late 2000s taught us how to incorporate employee-led disruption. We learned that when employees brought personal technology to solve customer and business problems. We empowered, guided, and protected employees and the firm while taking advantage of the new value that personal technologies in business brought.
The mobile, social, original internet explosions taught us how to respond to and take advantage of customer-led disruption. We built mobile apps to help customers in their mobile moments of need; we adopted social media communications to improve engagement and collaboration; and we tooled up to take full advantage of the business models shaped by the internet.
Technology executives should prepare for generative AI to follow both paths and sprint into your business through four doors:

Bottom-up. Some of the 100 million people already using generative AI work for you. As you learned in the BYOD era, employees will adopt any tool that makes them more successful. The hyperadoption of gen AI leads to rampant BYOAI adoption. You can’t stop them, not fully. Your job is to put up guardrails that protect the firm’s IP and teach the skills of responsible AI. You need guardrails because your company IP is at risk. Just like with the original onslaught of BYO, you need to tune in now and empower, guide, and protect employees and the firm. Sharpen your listening tools and network sniffers. Revisit and promote your responsible AI policies ASAP. Your response to BYOAI will shape your top-down approach to gen AI, because employees will have elevated their robotics quotient and will be ready to go.
Top-down. Gen AI will unlock the value of 10-plus years of investments in data, insights, and artificial intelligence, including machine-learning models. This is where your investments in trusted AI will pay off, because you’re ready to use them. Already, the hyperscalers and software-as-a-service platform providers have announced and will trickle release gen AI-infused applications. Already, service providers and you are using TuringBots to generate and test code. Already, you’re incorporating marketing content generated from text prompts to hyperpersonalize engagement. And soon, you’ll overhaul your usability with text-based interfaces to business and analytics applications. Every part of your business will have ideas on how to use generative AI, mostly to optimize, automate, or augment something. Some will be great. Pick the ones that are easiest, safest, and most practical to deploy first.
Outside-in. Customers’ expectations for what gen AI can do for them are rising faster than anybody can keep up with. Every day, there is a new application using gen AI to do something useful. The latest I saw was a “free” cover-letter generator using GPT-4. (“Free” means that they’re accumulating your job preferences to resell as insights.) Microsoft triggered the search wars with OpenAI in Bing, and Google is now full-on engaged with Bard. Already, in the US, 35% of Gen Zers and 25% of Millennials have used bots to help buy hard-to-find inventory. That bot habit will be supercharged with gen AI, raising expectations even higher.....

Riaz Haq said...

Lahore’s Tech Renaissance: From Astrolabes To AI
Amir Husain

Amir Husain is the Founder & CEO of the global AI company, SparkCognition, and the CEO of SkyGrid.

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)

Our first public event was at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), a prestigious institution renowned for its research and entrepreneurial spirit. Prof. Porter and I had the opportunity to deliver talks on entrepreneurship and artificial intelligence (AI) to an enthusiastic audience of students and faculty members.

Prof. Porter's talk focused on the three generations of AI, tracing its development from search algorithms to expert systems and the Generative AI explosion. The lecture provided insights into AI's potential to transform industries and our daily lives.

IoT, EVs, and Quantum, Oh My!

We encountered three standout teams pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation. The first was the quantum computing group at LUMS which has developed and indigenously built an experimental quantum information processor. I was told by Dean Anwar of the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) that this device has two entangled physical qubits based on single photons from a heralded source. This effort lands LUMS on a short list of global quantum computing research organizations. Applications of quantum computing may eventually revolutionize materials science and much more. It was quite impressive to see a cutting-edge effort like this underway at the school.


Aitchison College

Our next stop was my old alma mater, Aitchison College, a prestigious K-12 school founded in 1885. Boasting one of the world's most beautiful campuses on a sprawling 200 acres of land, the school has evolved from an elite institution to offering full-ride scholarships for applicants from diverse backgrounds.


Entrepreneurs in Lahore

During our trip, we interacted with numerous entrepreneurs who have contributed significantly to Lahore's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Among them was the legendary Syed Babar Ali, founder of LUMS and Chairman of Packages Ltd. Babar Ali is one of the most admired Pakistanis globally. In his long list of laurels is his dedication to environmental conservation and a term as the President of the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), which he took over from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in 1996. His contributions to industry and education are immeasurable. At the young age of 97, he continues to work from his office daily, maintaining a hectic and full schedule. His unwavering dedication and passion are truly inspiring.

Riaz Haq said...


Tech industry standout Nvidia gave another stunningly strong quarterly revenue forecast, fueled by surging demand for its AI processors in data centers. Faced with a surge in demand for chatbots and other tools, data center operators are stocking up on the company’s processors, which are adept at handling the heavy workloads required by artificial intelligence. That’s helped Nvidia quickly pull out of an industrywide chip slump and accelerate sales growth to its fastest rate in years.

Broader markets cheered the company’s good fortune. Stocks climbed the most since June while bond yields fell. A $200 billion exchange-traded fund tracking the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) gained after Nvidia’s bullish revenue outlook. Its shares jumped about 9% in extended trading. The highly anticipated results are expected to impact investment decisions over the next few months. Quincy Krosby, chief global strategist at LPL Financial, says “there’s been an ongoing debate on whether Nvidia is even more important to the broad trajectory of markets than Fed Chair Powell’s comments from Jackson Hole on Friday.” —David E. Rovella

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence For Transformative Public Policy And Administration – OpEd

August 13, 2023 0 Comments
By Mir Hassan

Predicting the future is not magic, it is Artificial Intelligence. In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various sectors has garnered significant attention.

Pakistan, like many other countries, has recognized the potential of AI to revolutionize public policy and administration. This article delves into the role of AI in shaping and enhancing public policy and administration in Pakistan, examining its benefits, challenges, and the path forward.

Benefits of AI in Public Policy and Administration:

Data-Driven Decision Making; AI facilitates data analysis on a scale impossible for humans alone. This enables evidence-based decision-making, leading to more efficient allocation of resources and targeted policy interventions. Predictive Analysis; AI algorithms can analyze historical data to predict future trends and challenges. In the context of Pakistan, this could aid in predicting disease outbreaks, managing disaster response, and optimizing infrastructure development.

Citizen Engagement; AI-powered chat bots and virtual assistants can streamline citizen engagement by providing real-time responses to queries and concerns. This fosters transparency, responsiveness, and accountability within the government.

Efficient Service Delivery; through automation and optimization, AI can streamline administrative processes, reducing bureaucracy and enhancing service delivery. This is particularly relevant for services like tax collection, licensing, and social welfare programs. Fraud Detection and Prevention; AI algorithms can identify patterns of fraudulent activities, helping to curb corruption and ensure efficient use of public funds.

Challenges and Considerations:
Data Quality and Privacy; AI relies heavily on data, and ensuring the quality, accuracy, and privacy of data is paramount. Pakistan must establish robust data protection regulations to safeguard citizen information.

Skill Gap; the successful implementation of AI requires a skilled workforce adept in AI technologies. Pakistan needs to invest in education and training to bridge the skill gap in this field.

Ethical Concerns; as AI systems make autonomous decisions, ethical considerations arise. Policymakers must grapple with questions of accountability, bias, and the potential for AI systems to amplify existing societal inequalities.

Infrastructure; Adequate technological infrastructure is essential for AI implementation. Ensuring reliable internet connectivity and access to advanced computing resources is crucial.

Policy Framework; Developing a comprehensive policy framework that outlines the ethical, legal, and operational aspects of AI adoption is imperative. Clear guidelines are needed to address issues such as liability, accountability, and regulatory oversight.

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence For Transformative Public Policy And Administration – OpEd

August 13, 2023 0 Comments
By Mir Hassan

The Way Forward:
To fully harness AI’s potential; Pakistan must adopt a multi-faceted approach:

Education and Research; Invest in AI education, research, and training to cultivate a skilled workforce capable of developing and implementing AI technologies. Public-Private Collaboration; Foster collaboration between the government, academia, and private sector to share expertise, resources, and best practices for AI integration. Regulatory Framework; Develop a regulatory framework that strikes a balance between encouraging innovation and addressing ethical, privacy, and security concerns. Pilot Projects; Initiate pilot AI projects in key sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and education. These projects can serve as test beds for refining AI applications and identifying challenges. Awareness and Adoption; Raise awareness about AI’s potential among policymakers and the public, emphasizing its benefits and addressing misconceptions.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize public policy and administration in Pakistan, enhancing decision-making, service delivery, and citizen engagement. However, its successful integration requires careful consideration of challenges and a collaborative, forward-thinking approach. By embracing AI and fostering an ecosystem of innovation, Pakistan can pave the way for a more efficient, responsive and inclusive governance system.

Riaz Haq said...

For an AI lesson, India must look back — 300 years

By Andy Mukherjee Bloomberg

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India’s dominance in tech outsourcing is facing an existential challenge not unlike what its world-beating textile industry battled — and lost — 300 years ago. In the early 1700s, it took 50,000 hours to spin 100 pounds of cotton. “Indian spinners were regarded as the most productive in the world, and they produced the best-quality product,” as Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson, economists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, note in a new paper. By 1795, however, automation had crunched the labor demand to 300 person-hours. The profound impact of the industrial revolution on cotton-spinning may be poised for a repeat in a $250 billion white-collar powerhouse. Each year, 5 million Indians churn out billions of lines of code for global banks, manufacturers and retailers. Research by McKinsey & Co. showed last year that with generative artificial intelligence it’s possible to cut the time taken for code generation by 35 per cent to 45 per cent, and slash documentation time by nearly half. This is just the beginning. As generative AI morphs into artificial general intelligence — machines rivaling human cognitive abilities — even highly complex tasks may not require expert programmers.

The improvement in speed “can be translated into an increase in productivity that outperforms past advances in engineering productivity, driven by both new tooling and processes,” McKinsey says. But how will the gains be distributed between customers and software vendors? More importantly, how will they be shared between shareholders of outsourcing firms and their employees?

Acemoglu and Johnson glean insights for the interplay of machine and labor by comparing the age of AI to the early industrial revolution and the shift it produced in the thinking of David Ricardo, a prominent classical economist, ace bond trader and and politician. As the spinning jenny became progressively more efficient, suddenly there was a lot of yarn looking for weavers, creating lucrative new jobs. The golden age of weaving, the MIT economists surmise, is probably when Ricardo came to his famous conclusion that “machinery did not lessen the demand for labor.” It was when handlooms gave way to power looms in the early 19th century — leaving no alternative occupation for displaced labor — that Ricardo updated his view. He acknowledged in a 1819 speech to the British parliament that “the inadequacy of the wages to the support of the laboring classes” was one of “two great evils for which it was desirable to provide a remedy.”

India’s tech companies are stuck on Ricardo 1.0, and investing very little into a future where artificial intelligence has made their current code-writing business irrelevant. The optimistic view goes like this: Someone needs to prompt generative AI’s large language models with the right questions. Natural-language processing and prompt engineering will create jobs. Finding unique and affordable use cases — especially in local languages — may be another avenue for the most-populous nation to utilize its talent.


Trouble is that artificial intelligence will come with its own power loom. Companies will recover their hefty investment costs by selling souped-up devices. “We expect AI-enabled hardware to be the only sustainable and meaningful way consumers and corporations begin paying for AI features, justifying billions of dollars invested in GenAI,” writes Nilesh Jasani of GenInnov, a Singapore-based global innovation fund.