Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pakistan Made Airplanes Lead Nation's Defense Exports

Air forces of about a dozen developing nations are buying and deploying Pakistani made aircrafts. The reasons for their choice of Pakistan manufactured airplanes range from lower cost to ease of acquisition, maintenance and training.

Pakistan's Aircraft Exports:

Pakistan started developing defense hardware for imports substitution to reduce external dependence and to save hard currency. Now the country's defense industry is coming of age to lead the way to high value-added manufactured exports.

Pakistan Super Mushshak Trainer Aircraft
Nigerian Air Force is the latest to announce purchase of Pakistan made Super Mushshak aircraft after the United States' refusal to sell to Nigeria, according to American periodical Newsweek.  Nigerian Air Force chief Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar was quoted by the Nigerian media as saying that "Pakistan has accepted to sell ten trainer airplanes. And that is why the Pakistan Chief of Air Staff is coming for the induction ceremony which is going to take place in Kaduna".

Several other countries are in the process of making decisions to purchase aircraft from Pakistan. A report in Pakistan's Express Tribune newspaper says that Turkey has decided to buy 52 Super Mushshak trainer aircraft.  The Tribune also reported that Azerbaijan may buy a couple of dozen JF-17 Thunder fighter jets jointly developed by Pakistan and China.

Along with exporting existing hardware, Pakistan is continuing its efforts to enhance the capabilities with new versions. For example, fighter-jet JF-17’s Block III is expected to open up new opportunities for Pakistani defense exports.

The new JF-17 Block III will be a twin-seat trainer version with advanced Active Electronically-Scanned Array radar and mid-air-refueliling probe. It will use new composite materials to increase its performance, besides addition of other updates in cockpit and weapons’ pods, according to Pakistani media reports.

Pakistan-China Defense Industry Collaboration:

Growing defense collaboration between China and Pakistan irks the West, according to a report in the UK's Financial Times newspaper.  The paper specifically cites joint JF-17 Thunder fighter jet, armed drone Burraq and custom AIP-equipped submarines as examples of close cooperation between the two nations.

Pakistan's JF-17 Jet Fighter
Pakistan's bitter experience with the unreliability of its cold war allies as weapons suppliers has proved to be a blessing in disguise. It has forced Pakistan to move toward self-reliance in production of the weapons it needs to defend itself from foreign and domestic enemies.

It all started back in 1965 when the US and its western allies placed an arms embargo on Pakistan during war with India. The bitterness grew stronger when the US forced France to cancel its contract to supply a breeder reactor to Pakistan in 1974 soon after India conducted its first nuclear test.

Khushab Nuclear Reactor:

Fortunately for Pakistan, the French had already given Pakistanis scientists drawings and specifications before canceling the breeder reactor contract. Work on Khushab reprocessing plant stated in 1974 when Pakistan signed a contract with the French company Saint-Gobain Techniques Nouvelles (SGN). In 1978, under U.S. pressure, France canceled the contract. Pakistan then proceeded to indigenously produce its own nuclear breeder reactors at Khushab. Four such reactors are now operating to produce plutonium for Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. Having done its first nuclear test in 1998, Pakistan now has a large and growing nuclear arsenal it needs to deter any enemy adventurism against it.

Babar Cruise Missile:

Since MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime) prevented Pakistan from acquiring delivery vehicles from other countries, the country had to develop its own ballistic and cruise missiles to carry nuclear weapons.

The story of Babar Cruise Missile development is particularly interesting. It is believed that Pakistani engineers learned the technology by dismantling and studying a US Tomahawk cruise missile that fell in Pakistani territory when President Bill Clinton fired these missiles to target Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

JF-17 Thunder Fighter:

The development of JF-17, a modern highly capable and relatively inexpensive fighter jet, is the crowning achievement to-date of the Pakistan-China defense production cooperation. It's being deployed by Pakistan Air Force with Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) on recently rolling out the 16th Block 2 JF-17 aircraft for PAF's 4th squadron. The latest version is capable of launching a variety of nuclear and conventional weapons ranging from smart bombs and air-launched cruise missile Raad to anti-ship missiles.

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) got its start decades ago by setting up maintenance facilities for advanced fighters like French Mirage and US F-16s and by manufacturing Mushshak and Super Mushshak trainer aircraft. It is now also building JF-17s as well as a variety of drones, including combat UAV Burraq being used in Pakistan's war against militants in Waziristan.

Nuclear-Capable AIP Submarines:

Pakistan is expanding and modernizing its underwater fleet with 8 additional AIP-equipped submarines. Four of these subs will be manufactured in Pakistan.  These will reportedly be custom versions of Yuan class diesel-electric subs with additional wider tubes from which cruise missiles can be launched. A key requirement for  these submarines is to be stealthy—and the AIP-equipped Yuan class is indeed very quiet. The trick is in the submarine’s air-independent propulsion fuel cells, which provide power under the surface as the diesel engines—used for running on the surface—rest and recharge. Though relatively limited in range, this system is quieter than the nuclear-powered engines on American and Russian submarines, which must constantly circulate engine coolant.

Arms as Pakistan's Cottage Industry

Pakistan has a long history of arms manufacturing as a cottage industry. The dusty little town of Darra Adam Khel, only a half-hour drive from Peshawar, reminds visitors of America's Wild West. The craftsmen of this town are manufacturers and suppliers of small arms to the tribal residents of the nation's Federally Administered Tribal Areas who carry weapons as part of their ancient culture. The skilled craftsmen of FATA make revolvers, automatic pistols, shotguns and AK-47 rifles. Until five years ago, the list also had items such as anti-personnel mines, sub-machine guns, small cannons and even rocket launchers. Pakistani government has forced the tribesmen to stop making heavy assault weapons to try and prevent the Taliban and Al Qaeda from getting access to such weapons.

Pakistan's arms industry has come a long way from making small arms as a cottage industry in the last few decades. The US and Western arms embargoes imposed on Pakistan at critical moments in its history have proved to be a blessing in disguise. In particular, the problems Pakistan faced in the aftermath of Pressler Amendment in 1992 became an opportunity for the country to rely on indigenous development and production of defense equipment.

Pakistan's Military Industrial Complex

The country now boasts a powerful industrial, technological and research base developing and manufacturing for its armed forces a wide variety of small and large weapons ranging from modern fighter jets, battle tanks, armored vehicles, frigates and submarines to armed and unarmed aerial vehicles and high tech firearms and personal grenade launchers for urban combat. Some of these items were on display at IDEAS 2014, the 5-day biennial arms show held November 2014 in Karachi, Pakistan.


A country can not be truly independent unless it can manufacture the arms it needs to defend itself. Pakistan is just starting to build the weapons it needs but it has a very long way to go.  At the same time, Pakistan is starting to export defense hardware to developing nations.  This goal can only be achieved if Pakistan develops significant human capital and builds a vibrant economy.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Pakistan-China Defense Industry Collaboration Irks West

Pakistan Navy Modernization

IDEAS 2014 Arms Show

Pakistan Defense Industry

Silicon Valley Book Launch of "Eating Grass"

Pakistan's Human Capital

Pakistan Economy Nears Trillion Dollars

Pakistan's Sea-Based Second Strike Capability


Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan conducts anti-ship missile test
By: Usman Ansari, March 16, 2017

Pakistan successfully test launched a land-based anti-ship missile on Thursday, but the did not reveal its identity, possibly indicating it is a new development of its Babur land-attack cruise missile.

The military’s media branch, ISPR, said the “land-based anti-ship missile” featured “advanced technology and avionics, which enable engagement of targets at sea with high accuracy.”

The trial, witnessed by Vice Chief of Naval Staff Adm. Khan Hasham Bin Saddique and other senior officers, was undertaken in the coastal region. A warning to shipping regarding missile tests was issued for March 16-17.

Siddique congratulated the technical team, saying the test would help improve Pakistan’s defenses and operational reach of the Navy by enabling the launch of long-range, anti-ship missiles from land.

No performance details or even the name of the missile were provided, however.

Though an image released by the government’s Press Information Department appeared to show a Babur missile, its resolution was insufficient to accurately determine the missile’s identity.

In April last year, a shore-based anti-ship missile dubbed Zarb was test fired. It was speculated by analysts to be the Chinese C-602/YJ-62.

However, a naval industry official told Defense News at Pakistan’s biennial defense exhibition IDEAS 2016 in November that Pakistan was working on indigenous anti-ship missiles. This followed an earlier revelation buried in a Ministry of Defence Production report of development of a shipboard anti-ship missile launcher.

In December, steel was cut for the first indigenous Azmat Block II missile boat, which in can be determined from the images released at the time will carry a larger anti-ship missile than the C-802A/CSS-N-8 Saccade that arms the Block I boats.

No confirmation of this missile’s identity has been forthcoming since then, but it sparked speculation that Pakistan’s indigenous anti-ship missile efforts were perhaps more advanced than realized.

The Babur offers the quickest route to an indigenous anti-ship missile, with a range exceeding the limitations of the Missile Technology Control Regime in the same vein as the United States' UGM/RGM-109B (TAS-M) Tomahawk.

It has already provided the basis of further developments. The updated Babur II was tested in December. The sub-launched Babur III, was successfully tested in January, enabling Pakistan to establish a second-strike capability.

Though the C-602 reportedly cruises at a height of 30 meters, test-area altitude for today’s test was restricted to 1,500 meters — more akin to the higher cruise altitude of the Babur.

A Navy spokesman was asked to comment on the missile’s identity, but there was no reply by press time.

Riaz Haq said...

#India privatizing #defense industry as part of $11 billion sale of assets to cut #arms imports … via @business

Want to buy a stake in an aircraft-carrier builder? How about a fighter-jet maker?

India is about to start an $11 billion sale of government assets, including holdings in the shipyard and factories that supply India’s military, offering investors a share of some of the region’s more profitable manufacturers that are benefiting from soaring defense spending.

India is the world’s largest arms importer and Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to change that while at the same time raising money to reduce the fiscal deficit. Among the biggest stakes to be sold are in Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., or HAL, which is trying to build a domestic fighter, and Cochin Shipyard Ltd., currently building India’s first home-made aircraft carrier. The shipbuilder has seen profit almost double in the last five years, while earnings at most big global shipyards have slumped.

As India builds its status in the region, “it will find it even more essential that it becomes self-sufficient in designing and manufacturing high-tech weapon systems," said Deepak Sinha, a consultant with the New Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation. Non-state investors can help make the arms-makers more efficient and focused, he said.

Modi has pledged to spend $250 billion by 2025 on weapons and military equipment for a nation that has territorial disputes with Pakistan and China. India makes about 70 percent of its defense purchases abroad and has topped the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s list of the largest defense importers for the last seven years.

Riaz Haq said...

#Turkey, #Pakistan sign Turkish warship, Pakistani training plane deals. via @Reuters

Turkey and Pakistan have signed a memorandum of understanding for the sale of four Turkish made corvette warships and 52 Pakistan-made training planes for Ankara's armed forces, Turkey's defense industry undersecretariat said on Wednesday.

Karachi Shipyard (KS&EW) will buy four corvettes made under Turkey's MILGEM warship program, aimed at designing and building locally a fleet of multipurpose corvettes and frigates that will replace older ships.

The Turkish defense undersecretariat said the final deal was expected to be signed on June 30. The statement did not provide any financial details.

Turkey will buy 52 Super Mushshak training planes from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Kamra, to replace the T-41 and SF-260 planes currently in use, a statement by Ankara's defense undersecretariat said.

This would be the first time a NATO country has used Super Mushshak planes, the statement added.

Two warships built under the MILGEM project so far, named TCG Heybeliada and TCG Buyukada, were delivered to the Turkish navy in 2011 and 2013. Construction is ongoing for TCG Burgazada and TCG Kinaliada, which are expected to start active duty in 2018 and 2020, respectively.

Riaz Haq said...

Electric fan exports surged 22.40 per cent during the first 11 months of 2016-17 over the same period last year.

As many as 1.129m electric fans ($27.712m) were exported during the July-May period as compared to 1.195m fans ($22.640m) in the corresponding period of 2015-16.

Riaz Haq said...

Sazgar Engineering is the local Pakistani company that is exporting its famous 4-Stroke CNG auto rickshaws to Japan.

Japan is a country that itself has a strong automobile industry. Japan has such an established market that exporting rickshaws from Pakistan is quite astonishing.

The citizens of Japan use these rickshaws for entertainment and leisure purposes.

Vehicles are made all around the world, but the special kind of colorful trucks and traditional rickshaws are uniqueness of Pakistan as per the Sazgar Engineering sales head Ismail. So these rickshaws are gaining popularity in Japan due to their unique attraction.

Road safety is extremely important in Japan. These rickshaws do adhere to the standards of road safety in Japan. So the rickshaws are road legal and they can be used on highways, Ismail further added.

Riaz Haq said...

#Azerbaijan to buy 10 #Pakistan-made Super Mushshak trainer #aircraft | SAMAA TV

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra brought another feather in its cap, when it signed an agreement with Azerbaijan for sale of ten Super Mushshak aircraft to Azerbaijan Air Force.

The contract was signed at Azerbaijan, where Air Marshal Arshad Malik, Chairman PAC Kamra represented Pakistan; whereas, Azerbaijan was represented by Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov, Air Force Commander Azerbaijan, a press release Thursday said.

This contract would also include operational training and technical support and assistance to Azerbaijan Air Force. The landmark agreement will further strengthen the bilateral ties between the two brotherly countries.

Indigenously produced Super Mushshak aircraft is equipped with most modern equipment and capabilities which makes it one of the best military trainer aircraft.

Approximately 300 Super Mushshak aircraft are being used by PAF and Pak Army for military training of pilots and other defence related activities.

Pakistan has recently signed agreements to export Super Mushshak aircraft to Turkey, Nigeria and Qatar. This contract would not only open new avenues for export of aviation equipment to foreign countries but also help in generating revenue for the country. The aircraft is already in service with Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran and South Africa. – APP

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan announces development of 5th-gen fighter plane and medium-altitude long-endurance #UAV programs

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has formally announced it will commence development of a 5th-generation fighter, medium altitude long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and munitions under the banner of “Project Azm” (i.e. resolve or determination).

In his speech for inaugurating the Kamra Aviation City initiative, the PAF Chief of Air Staff (CAS) Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Sohail Aman outlined the program objectives of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), the newly established Aviation Design Institute (AvDI) and Air University’s Aerospace and Aviation Campus.

“Our engineering and operational staff have indigenized few core capabilities which are truly high-tech … [the] initiative of Project Azam was thus encouraged, which is the designing of the 5th-generation fighter aircraft, [MALE] UAVs – which are [in the] final stages of design, development of advanced weapons – few of them already produced – and other key projects…”


From the onset, PAC’s AvDI has been responsible for three marquee aviation programs under Project Azm: the 5th-generation fighter, a MALE UAV and munitions development. ACM Aman stated that the design work of the MALE UAV is in its “final stages”, suggesting that the UAV is a relatively near-term factor.

In February 2017, Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS) said that it was considering developing a MALE UAV, but AvDI had been tasked to undertake the program. Moreover, Pakistan did not act upon the availability of MALE UAVs in China and Turkey, such as the Wing Loong-series and Anka, respectively. This is despite the prior industry ties formed with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) over the CH-3-based Burraq and Anka, respectively (in 2013 TAI contracted PAC to produce parts for the Anka).


The other near-term – or rather, already active – program is advanced munitions development. The complete systems the PAF ACM mentioned likely refer to the Range Extension Kit (REK) glide-bomb, which was cleared for use from the JF-17 in March and the Ra’ad II air-launched cruise missile (ALCM).

The PAF requires munitions for current and future platforms, which provides ample opportunity for the industry, especially in the realm of air-to-air missiles (AAM) and guided air-to-ground munitions (AGM). Potential off-the-shelf purchases, such as the Denel Dynamics A-Darter AAM, could be sought from South Africa under transfer-of-technology and co-production terms. However, new munitions are also being developed domestically. In its 2015-2016 yearbook, the Pakistani MoDP listed the development of several new munitions, such as “multi warhead bombs” and “anti soft-avionics bomb.”

AvDI’s long-term endeavour is clearly the 5th-generation fighter program (FGF). In the past several years, several factors emerged which analysts thought would shape the PAF’s next-generation fighter pursuits, most notably the rise of the AVIC FC-31 Gyrfalcon. While the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) is clearly progressing in developing the fighter, it is unclear if the PAF will pursue it. If not the FC-31, then realistically only two other alternate courses remain: the TAI TFX and an original design.

Pakistan has been billed as a prospective partner in the TFX, Turkey’s next-generation fighter effort. On repeated occasions since 2016, Turkish government and industry and Pakistan MoDP officials confirmed the link. However, the Pakistan MoDP’s statements regarding the matter had only verified Ankara’s invitation, but it was unclear if the approach was commercially oriented (akin to PAC’s work in supplying Anka parts) or in relation to possible PAF procurement.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan Announces “Project Azm”: 5th-generation fighter, medium altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV and munitions

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has formally announced it will commence development of a 5th-generation fighter, medium altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV and munitions under the banner of “Project Azm” (i.e. resolve or determination). In his speech for inaugurating the Kamra Aviation City initiative, the PAF Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman outlined the program objectives of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), the newly established Aviation Design Institute (AvDI) and Air University’s Aerospace and Aviation Campus.

“Our engineering and operational staff have indigenized few core capabilities which are truly high-tech. The 5th-generation fighter aircraft, MALE UAVs, are in the final stages of design, development of advanced weapons and other key projects”.

Air University Aerospace and Aviation Campus Kamra is an expansion campus of Air University Islamabad, which was founded in 2002. Aman stated that the campus will “provide the desired impetus for cutting-edge indigenization programs, strengthen the local industry and harness the demands of foreign aviation industry by reducing … imports and promoting joint research and production ventures.”

In its 2015-2016 yearbook, Pakistan’s Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) states that AvDI was formed “to lead design and development activity …with its working model emphasizing leveraging existing National Human Resource and facilities”. The MoDP adds that AvDI will manage the design of “state of the art next generation aerospace vehicles.”

Aman added that the Aviation City initiative will provide valuable economic opportunities for local industry entities, and in turn, support the growth and value of Pakistan’s aviation industry. Aman’s recent statements follow his earlier commitments to localizing the PAF’s supply channel, at least in terms of its 5th-generation fighter, by assigning a significant amount of the design, development and production work of the 5th-generation domestic.

According to, PAC’s AvDI has been responsible for three marquee aviation programs under Project Azm: the 5th-generation fighter, a MALE UAV and munitions development. Aman stated that the design work of the MALE UAV is in its “final stages”, suggesting that the UAV is a relatively near-term factor. Pakistan did not act upon the availability of MALE UAVs in China and Turkey, such as the Wing Loong-series and Anka, respectively. This is despite the prior industry ties formed with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).

However, Pakistan is opting for an original design instead of an off-the-shelf acquisition. Pakistan’s suppliers have supply opportunities at several key stages, the airframe, propulsion, electronic subsystems and potentially – weapons. But the PAF’s emphasis on localization implies that many of these systems will eventually be sourced domestically, though that could leave the room for co-production partnerships (which appears to interest Pakistan).

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan's #IT industry exports jump 19% last year hit all-time high near $1 Billion. #technology via @techjuicepk

Pakistan’s IT exports have hit an all-time high in the outgoing financial year of 2016-2017.

The country is witnessing a growth boom in the IT industry like never before and the government is also taking steps to support the IT infrastructure. And the numbers prove that the positive activity in the IT industry is delivering good results. According to ProPakistani, figures provided by the State Bank of Pakistan(SBP) indicate that the IT industry’s exports – which includes telecom, and computer and information services – in the outgoing financial year were of $938.640 million. The exports made in the previous financial year of 2015-2016 were worth $788.640 million. This indicates a year-on-year growth of 19%.

The Pakistan Software Exchange Board(PSEB), on the other hand, has reported figures that are three times greater than those reported by the SBP. According to the PSEB, the IT exports stand at a whopping $2.8 billion. There is a huge disparity in the numbers that have been reported by the SBP and the PSEB. However, it should be noted here that the SBP and the PSEB calculate the final figure of IT exports in a different manner. The PSEB reports in different sectors such as financial services, healthcare sector, e-commerce, e-health, but to estimate the final figure of total exports it takes into consideration all the exports done by local software houses to international clients.

If Pakistan’s IT industry keeps thriving at this rate, it certainly rings good news for the country’s economy. Could Pakistan hit the target of $6 billion software exports by 2020 or the target of $10 billion IT exports by 2025? We’ll have to wait and see. But the present certainly does look good.

Riaz Haq said...

IT Industry has contributed 98% to Pakistan’s economy by foreign exchange earnings, Anusha Rehman

Minister of State for Information Technology and Telecom Anusha Rehman on Monday lead the 36th meeting of the Boards of Directors of Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) to assess the work being done on various IT initiatives taken by PSEB including Prime Minister’s Internship Programme and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).

PSEB Acting Managing Director Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah updated the board with achievemts of PSB over the last four years. The board was briefed that PSEB has showcased their work at 11 international trade fairs alongside over 65 IT companies, which are making above two thousand leads. This exhibition enhanced the perception of Pakistan as an important destination in terms of outsourcing and investment. According to him, exhibiting at the trade fairs also helped improve the image of Pakistan as a viable destination for outsourcing and investment, because PSEB’s participation in the exhibitions have increased Pakistan’s exports in all the countries that hosted the exhibitions.

According to him, because of the active PSEB technical and financial assistance throughout the past four years, over 30 selected IT professionals and 28 IT companies have been given certificates in Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMi) platform. Apart from this, 134 companies have gotten certifications in ISO 9001, ISO27001 and ISO 20001 as PSEB empowered them to acquire exports from the developed markets.

The minister agreed and added that the great work done by Pakistan’s IT sector is evident from the fact that IT Industry exports have contributed 98% to Pakistan’s economy by foreign exchange earnings and job creation through growth in the past 4 years. She also said, “Due recognition must be extended to our freelancers who have catapulted Pakistan on the 4th spot on the largest freelancing website in the world.”

Anusha felt pride in the fact that Pakistan has a huge number of extremely talented youth, and the government is striving to provide them with the best resources and opportunities.

Anusha said that PSEB in partnership with National ICT R&D Fund (IGNITE) has recruited over 1,700 IT graduates as interns this year for having hands on experience with IT companies, as well as IT departments at Telcos/CMOs, banks, and also educational institutes. Among these interns, more than 60 percent received job offers after the completion of their training tenure.

According to her, the government is going to announce a national level digital skills training program to empower 1 million freelancers of the country who have an experience of over 5 years with the skills that are needed to increase their productivity.

Later, the minister also lead one more meeting and gave her approval for “DigiSkills”— an initiative to mentor 1 million youth with a focus to use technology in the best way by bringing excellence in technology, introducing innovation and respecting work ethics, alongside the vision of building a workforce for a future of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

She commented, “Our educational institutes are producing huge number of graduates every year. More than 20,000 IT graduates and engineers are being produced annually and it’s time that we prepare our workforce for new technologies in line with fast growing trends of freelancing and entrepreneurship.”

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan plans to produce small commercial #airplanes for 10 to 30 passengers. #DubaiAirshow

Pakistan will soon start producing commercial aircraft for the domestic and international markets, said a senior official.

Air Marshal Ahmer Shahzad of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) told Khaleej Times in an interview that they are looking at producing commercial aircraft with 10 to 30-seat capacity both for executive and non-executive passengers.

“As economic activity picks up with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, we require fast and efficient air transportation to fulfill domestic requirements. We’re also eyeing international requirements in the Middle East and Central Asia,” Shahzad said on the sidelines of the Dubai Airshow 2017.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex is a Pakistani aerospace, defence, aviation contractor and military corporation producing aerial systems for both military and civilian usage.

Pakistan has put up a pavilion at the Airshow, displaying its Super Mushshak and JF-17 Thunder as well as advanced avionics and electronic equipment. The Pakistan Air Force is participating with the JF-17 Thunder. One light fighter aircraft has been put on static display while another takes part in the daily airshow. In addition, Pakistan is also displaying its technological prowess in advanced avionics and electronic components and production potential at the Airshow.

Shahzad said work on the commercial plane project is expected to start soon.

Commenting on competition in the commercial aircraft segment, Shahzad said: “We’ve produced the Super Mushshak and it’s being sold successfully despite competition. If we make it [commercial aircraft] cost-effective, with sustained logistics and maintenance, it is going to be attractive to international customers.”

The aircraft will be produced at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex’s headquarters in Kamra.

Shahzad revealed that Pakistan is going to resume production of more advanced unmanned aerial vehicles too.

Replying to a query about expectations of orders for the JF-17 Thunder and Super Mushshak, the PAC chief said they’re looking for new markets in the Middle East and Far East.

“There are a number of potential buyers for Super Mushshak — which is used for training purposes too. We are fulfilling the requirements of the Pakistan Air Force and are capable of manufacturing aircraft for exports too. Right now, our annual production for JF-17 is 20 aircraft.”

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex has already signed deals with Turkey, Qatar, Nigeria and Azerbaijan for aircraft export orders.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan eyes boosting medicine exports. #Pharmaceutical #exports are currently earning $230 million with potential to expand up to $2 billion. The industry is the 6th largest sector contributing to the overall exports of Pakistan.

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Drap) has assured the pharma industry that in order to further facilitate exports, the authority will establish a separate desk where all concerns of exporters regarding issuance of necessary documentation will be addressed.

Pharma exports are currently earning $230 million with potential to expand up to $2billion.
A meeting was held on Thursday under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Health Services Aamir Mehmood Kiani with pharmaceutical exporters. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss mechanisms to boost volume of pharmaceutical and alternative medicine exports.

The federal minister in response to concerns of the pharma industry, being represented by the Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association and top 20 pharma exporters of Pakistan, emphasised on the need of harmonisation and facilitation of pharma export by engaging customs and the Trade and Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) for resolution of their grievances.

He said the sector has huge potential and needs harvesting to benefit the country by earning money abroad through improved exports of pharmaceutical and alternative medicine. It was also apprised the industry could expand its volume of exports as the 6th largest sector contributing to the overall exports of Pakistan.

Kiani advised stakeholders to submit a working paper on how export volume can be improved. Following which, CEO DRAP, Dr Sheikh Akhter Hussain apprised the federal minister that DRAP has already taken initiative to facilitate local manufacturers who are exporting to other countries.

Riaz Haq said...

#Nigeria Army Partners With #Pakistan To Improve #Security Strategy. The partnership is to foster security advancement on #training, #intelligence, radio #communication, #logistics support, among others. #terrorism #BokoHaram

The Nigerian Army, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai, has expressed its interest to partner with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on security strategy.

This was revealed by the military on Thursday, when Major General Wagar Ahmed Kingravi (rtd), the High Commissioner of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Nigeria, visited Buratai at the Army Headquaters in Abuja.

The partnership is to foster security advancement on training, intelligence, radio communication, logistics support, among others.

News of the partnership was announced via a tweet on the official handle of the Nigerian Army that read: "The Nigerian Army has indicated its interest to collaborate with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on training, intelligence, radio communication, logistics support among others.

"The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt Gen Tukur Yusufu Buratai, indicated the interest today when he received the visiting High Commissioner of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Nigeria, His Excellency Maj Gen (Retired) Wagar Ahmed Kingravi, at the Army Headquarters, Abuja."

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan exporting tractors to Africa, seeking market access to other countries: Dawood

Advisor to Prime Minister for Commerce, Investment, Industries and Production, and Textile, Abdul Razak Dawood said Pakistan was exporting tractors to Africa, while efforts were being made to find access to other European markets for introducing country’s products.

At least ten thousand tractors would be exported to African countries by the end of this year, he stated while talking to a private news channel programme.  

Riaz Haq said...

Talking to The Express Tribune, Millat Group of Companies Deputy General Manager Commercial Syed Aale Ali Zaidi revealed that his company turned to the export market four years ago in the wake of growing challenges faced by the tractor industry at home.

“Besides exporting tractors to African countries, Millat Tractors is supplying tractor engines and parts to Australia, Austria, Finland, Ireland and Britain,” Zaidi said.

Last year, Millat Tractors sold around 42,000 units, of which about 5,000 were exported.

He pointed out that African nations were emerging as a big market for Pakistani tractors, particularly Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sudan and South Africa. He was of the view that Germany’s Hannover fair and Turkey’s Automechanica were important events for deepening relations with old buyers and looking for new importers.

He called the Automechanica fair a hub for goods buyers of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

“The response of buyers is encouraging; importers of many countries have expressed interest in buying Pakistani tractors and their engines,” he revealed.

Zaidi said Pakistan’s market had been under pressure and in December and January Millat Tractors stopped production at its plant. However, he added that Adviser to Prime Minister on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood was taking keen interest in developing the tractor industry and increasing its exports.

He emphasised that in order to compete with other tractor exporters, Pakistan’s industry should embrace new technology and invest heavily in research and development work.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan #Export Of #Engineering Goods Jumped 176.72% In July to $39.223 million, up from $14.174 million exports recorded during the same month of last year, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. - UrduPoint

The export of engineering goods from the country during the first month of current financial year 2019-20 increased by 176.72 percent against the corresponding month of last year.

During the month of July, 2019, the export of engineering goods were recorded at $39.223 million as against $14.174 million exports recorded during the same month of last year, showing growth of 176.72 percent, according to the data issued by the State Bank of Pakistan.

The engineering commodities that contributed positively in external trade included electric fans, export of which grew from $2.614 million last year to $3.428 million during the period under review, showing growth of 31.14 percent, the data revealed.

The exports of transport equipment grew by 5,874 percent from $0.415 million to $24.794 million while the exports of other electrical machinery also increase by 21.37 percent from $2.115 million to $2.567 million.

Moreover, the export of auto parts also increased by 45.93 percent from $1.365 million to $1.992 million.

Meanwhile, the engineering commodities that witnessed negative growth in external trade included export of machinery specialized dipped by 20.97 percent from $2.727million during the period under review to $3.451 million same month of last year, whereas the export of other machinery also decreased by 11.84 percent from $3.715 million to $4.214 million, the data revealed.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan has tripled #arms #exports in 5 years from $210 million in the fiscal year through June from $60 million in 2014. Customers include $Turkey, #Nigeria and #Myanmar.

Pakistan, known as a major importer of weapons from China and the United States, is poised to significantly expand its arms exports, with an eventual goal of selling $1 billion worth of defense equipment every year.

A senior Pakistani government official told the Nikkei Asian Review that arms exports exceeded $210 million in the fiscal year through June. The total represents a significant increase from the approximately $100 million in arms sales two years earlier.

Five years earlier, another official noted, Pakistan's defense exports came to approximately $60 million.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the uptrend is reflective of Pakistan's drive for greater weapons self-sufficiency. They declined to provide further details of what is driving the increase.

Pakistan officials in general do not share figures related to national defense or associated matters like types of weapons and export destinations.

China has been playing a big role in Pakistani arms production. Together, China and Pakistan have manufactured JF-17 "Thunder" fighter jets.

"The JF-17 has helped Pakistan lay the groundwork for self-sufficiency," said retired Lt. Gen. Talat Masood, a former Pakistan military commander and defense analyst. According to Masood, China has also helped Pakistan produce tanks. In addition, China has supported Pakistan's air force through the JF-17 project and its navy with assistance in building warships and submarines. "Now," Masood said, "Pakistan is seeking to tap export markets."

There is no specific arms export target for the coming years, but eventually Islamabad would like to reach that $1 billion threshold.

In 2016, Pakistan signed a deal with Myanmar for the sale of 16 JF-17 fighters. The dollar value of the contract has not been publicly revealed, but officials privately have said it was for approximately $400 million, including spare parts.

Pakistan has also sold three JF-17s to Nigeria.

There have been other defense deals: In 2017, Turkey contracted to buy 52 Super Mushshak training aircraft. A year later, Ankara agreed to buy 1,000 PK-83 general purpose bombs.

Analysts say collaboration with China has helped Pakistan improve its ability to produce advanced weapons. "Pakistan has graduated well beyond just a manufacturer of small weapons," a senior foreign ministry official said. "We are now looking at big-ticket items."

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) has signed an agreement with the #Aviation Industry Corporation of #China (AVIC) for the “co-production of Chinese #commercial aircraft.” AVIC’s #aircraft include Xian MA60/600/700 and/or ARJ-21. via @QuwaGroup

On 27 December 2019, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) announced that it signed an agreement with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) for the “co-production of Chinese commercial aircraft.”

Neither PAC nor AVIC offered additional details.

In 2017, PAC had expressed interest in manufacturing a 10-30 passenger commercial airliner or commuter aircraft to support the growing demand for domestic air travel. It is not known if PAC is still pursuing that goal, but the recent agreement AVIC could point towards a more manageable objective.

In 2018, PAC revealed that it was working on an expanded aerospace cluster (as part of the Kamra Aviation City initiative), and that it was hoping to attract Tier 1-4 production work from Boeing, Airbus, and other aircraft manufacturers. PAC was hopeful that the initiative could result in the domestic assembly of single-aisle commuter aircraft and jet airliners (Aviation Week – subscription required).

It is possible that this recent agreement with AVIC is tied to the objective of expanding Pakistan’s share in the supply chains of various airliner/commuter aircraft manufacturers. In this case, PAC would enter the supply chain of AVIC’s aircraft, such as the Xian MA60/600/700 and/or ARJ-21.

It is worth noting that Hybrid Aviation, a privately-owned Pakistani aviation company is a launch customer of the Xian MA700 (Reuters).

Interestingly, Russia’s Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov reportedly announced that talks were ongoing with Islamabad for the sale of six to 16 Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) airliners to Pakistan’s state-owned airline, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

In other words, there could be a regional airliner requirement in place (by PIA as well as Pakistan’s private sector airlines) that could link into production work for PAC. The latter could materialize through industrial offsets, or possibly a joint-venture or partnership for an airliner-focused spinoff of PAC.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan Completes Production of First Batch of #JF17 B #Fighter #Aircraft. Block III will receive a new electronic warfare system, upgraded avionics including a 3-axis fly-by-wire digital flight control system & helmet-mounted display #PAF @Diplomat_APAC

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra completed production of the first batch of eight twin-seat Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17B Thunder for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in late December.

The aircraft were rolled out during an official ceremony held in Kamra on December 27, 2019. The rolling out of the aircraft was attended by the PAF’s chief of air staff, Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan, and China’s ambassador to Pakistan, Yao Jing, next to a host of other dignitaries.

According to a statement by the PAF, Khan congratulated PAC Kamra and its Chinese partners for the “successful accomplishment of [the] 2019 production target and on completing [the] first 8 dual-seat JF-17 aircraft in [a] record time of five months.”

He also noted that the JF-17 constitutes the “backbone” of the PAF and is “battle proven” as a result of combat missions conduced in February 2019 against the Indian Air Force (IAF). Pakistan at the time claimed that IAF fighters were engaged with beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles (BVRAAM) fired from a JF-17 Block II. One Indian Mig-21 was shot down and the pilot captured.

The JF-17B aircraft will be available in an attack and trainer variant. The first prototype of the twin-seater was reportedly completed in late 2016 and made its maiden flight in April 2017. The aircraft has a deeper dorsal spine and an added fuel capacity in comparison to other one-seat JF-17 variants.

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In addition to the eight aircraft rolled out in late December, the PAF expects to receive a further 14 JF-Bs in 2020 and four more in 2021, according to the chairman of the PAC.

Another variant of the aircraft, the JF-17 Block III, conducted its maiden flight on December 15 of last year.

Notably, while JF-17 Block I and II variants are reportedly powered by a Chinese license-built Klimov RD-93MA turbofan engine, the Block III version is expected to receive the RD-93MA or Chinese WS-13 engine. As I explained elsewhere:

F-17 Block III fighters will apparently receive a new electronic warfare system, upgraded avionics including a three-axis fly-by-wire digital flight control system, a helmet-mounted display and sight system, and Pakistan’s first Chinese-made active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system. Two such radar systems are currently under evaluation, according to the PAF Air Chief: the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology’s KLJ-7A radar and the Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute’s (LETRI) LKF601E.

Another contester reportedly is Leonardo’s Grifo-E AESA radar system. The PAF will reportedly procure at least 50 JF-17 Block IIIs by 2024.

Riaz Haq said...

#Turkish owned Dawlance sees $400 million in appliances’ #exports from #Pakistan. It has 3 new factories for automatic washing machine & water dispensers in the country. It has begun exporting water-dispensers to #Europe & #microwave ovens to #Bangladesh

Pakistan could fetch $300 to 400 million from exports of home appliances if the government focuses on non-traditional export sector and diversify exportable products, an industry official said on Thursday.

Chief Executive Officer Umar Ahsan said the company is committed to transfer technology to Pakistan to increase value-added exports from the country.

“Automatic washing machines can be exported from Pakistan. There is a potential to fetch $300 to $400 million in export revenue from products manufactured in the company’s (Dawlance) supply chain,” Ahsan said, talking to media. Overall exports could increase $10 to $15 billion per annum with diversification of exports and through focusing on non-traditional items. “But, first of all this requires a level-playing field to all the new sectors of the economy,” he added.

Ahsan accompanied Can Dinçer, chief commercial officer of Acrelik, Turkish parent company of Dawlance. Dinçer said the company has invested over $300 million in Pakistan since acquisition of Dawlance in 2016.

“We have re-invested $60 million in Pakistan whatever we earned here and now (are) eyeing to increase our shares in exports,” he said. “We are asking the government to focus on diversifying exports related to engineering goods instead of relying on few products, such textile, surgical and other products.”

Dinçer said the company’s plan is to introduce competitive pricing model in all categories to better response to the needs of the changing demands while using the distribution channels effectively in 2020.

“Since 2016, we have gained a very strong foothold in one of the world’s most promising markets, Pakistan and further built on the strengths of Dawlance,” he said. “We are very proud to see that Dawlance and Arçelik grow together as part of a larger and global organisation.”

Dawlance set up new production lines to manufacture automatic washing machine and water dispensers in the country. It also began exporting water-dispensers to Europe. It has three factories and is expanding its sales and service network, which comprises of 1,800 plus dealers across Pakistan.

The company recently inaugurated an experience store in Peshawar, offering complete range of products to consumers. It plans to establish more experience stores in other cities. Ahsan said China is the company’s main competitor because of the economy of scale. Cost of production needs to be reduced to increase Pakistan’s share in world’s exports.

On taxation, he said the Federal Board of Revenue abolished 10 percent depreciation out of total investment and the company made it part of its calculations. “We took investment decision in view 10 percent depreciation allowance,” he said. “We asked the FBR to provide this facility.”

Ahsan said the company has so far upgraded skills of 300 workers to meet quality and standard requirements for the manufactured products.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan to launch #drone policy to boost local #manufacturing industry. Pakistan introduced locally developed drones, designed and manufactured by ABM SATUMA (Private) Ltd, initially to fight #locust attack and later to enhance #agricultural productivity

Pakistan government has approved the country’s first drone policy in an effort to boost local drones manufacturing industry and to usher in a new era of automation.

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday gave the green light to set up a committee to formulate a legislative and regulatory body that would expand a safer and legalised use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in diverse sectors. Drone technology can greatly benefit the country’s agriculture and urban planning sectors and maintain law and order situation, Khan said after a meeting with Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry in Islamabad.

Develop local drone manufacturing industry
The drone policy is seen as the first step towards building the drone industry in the country where the import of drones is practically banned due to security concerns. Talking to Gulf News, Minister Fawad Chaudhry explained the government has decided to lift the ban “to develop and boost the local drone manufacturing industry” in the next five years. The regulation would help Pakistan tap into the commercial drone market, which is expected to touch US$43 billion by 2025 with an annual 20 per cent growth rate, he said. “To develop its drone industry, Pakistan looks forward to joint ventures with China and Turkey,” the minister said.

Focus on agriculture and police drones
The planned legislation is designed to effectively “use drones in precision agriculture and by law enforcement for public safety.” He said that his ministry is in contact with police departments to create special drone units to help curb street crimes in cities such as Karachi. As police departments around the world are increasingly turning to drones to fight crimes, Pakistan’s police can also make full use of high-tech surveillance tools, he said.

Recently, drone technology is increasingly being used to improve emergency services and public safety, due to its low cost, easy deployment, and ease of maintenance. Experts have suggested Pakistan government expand the use of drones in these sectors:
• Agriculture
• Health and medicine
• Rescue missions such as natural disasters and fire-fighting
• Forestry
• Construction and infrastructure inspection
• Survey and exploration
• Utilities
• Mining

This year, Islamabad Police started using drones to track suspects especially those involved in street crimes, expand the scope of police surveillance and ensure public safety. In July 2020, Pakistan introduced locally developed drones, designed and manufactured by ABM SATUMA (Private) Ltd, initially to fight the locust attack and later to enhance agricultural productivity.

Regulation and incentives to private sector urged
Local drone manufacturers suggest that besides regulating the use of drones, the federal government must encourage the private sector by offering direct support and tax incentives to develop the local industry. “Pakistan is missing out on a huge potential to develop our drone industry due to red tape and custom duties” says Imran Wazeer, the COO of ABM SATUMA, the private company that has been developing drones in Pakistan for over two decades and pushed the government for drone legislation.

Riaz Haq said...

China appears to be developing a stealth helicopter that analysts said on Monday is difficult to detect on radar, infrared sensors and human sight and hearing, judging from a model of the chopper recently revealed in a television report, with some speculating that it could be a stealthy variant of the Z-20 medium-lift utility chopper.


The model displayed many stealth characteristics, including a radar cross section-reducing aerodynamic design that could make it difficult to detect on radar systems, designs in its rotors that aim to reduce noise and make the enemies only hear it at close range when flying at low-altitude, upward-facing exhausts spread out on the back of the tail boom, and low-observable paint, Fu said.

Stealth helicopters are more difficult to spot, have higher chances of survival, and can better conduct assault and penetration missions, Fu said.

The report by also claimed that China got related technologies from espionage and data was from a US stealth Black Hawk helicopter which took part in the Bin Laden raid and was downed in Pakistan, but Fu said this accusation is groundless speculation.


Stealthy Variant Of China's Z-20 Black Hawk Clone Emerges In Concept Model Form
This is our first look at China's own Stealth Hawk-like transport helicopter concept and they would have a leg-up in developing it thanks to Pakistan.

When the downed stealthy Black Hawk was demolished via an explosive charge at Bin Laden's Abbottabad compound, its tail, which was sitting high atop the wall that surrounds the residence, remained intact. We may have never known these helicopters even existed if it was destroyed. Pakistan subsequently carted off the tail, which was of an extremely exotic design, and used it as a geopolitical bargaining chip in the turbulent aftermath of the raid. It is known to have been closely examined by America's adversaries, namely by Pakistan's other top weapons provider, China. The tail was eventually returned to the U.S. after roughly three weeks of fiery diplomacy.

Riaz Haq said...

#Nigeria benefits a lot from #Pakistan, says #Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. He thanked the Pakistani government for its support to the Nigerian #military, saying Nigeria has benefited a lot from the Islamic republic.

In the statement, Adesina quoted the President as saying that Pakistan has remained faithful and consistent in assisting Nigeria, particularly in the training of members of the armed forces.

“We greatly appreciate your help in terms of training members of our armed forces, officers and men. Some of my colleagues trained in your country, and you have remained consistent in assisting us. We benefit a lot from Pakistani, and we are grateful,” Buhari said.

Raza said Nigeria was its most important ally in Africa, “and we value our collaboration. We learn and benefit a lot from each other.”

Riaz Haq said...

Nigerian Air Force using Pakistan-made JF-17s and Super Mushshak aircraft for counter-insurgency ops.

The (Nigerian COIN) platforms include 10 Super Mushshak aircraft, five Mi-35M helicopter gunships, two Bell 412 helicopters, four Agusta 109 Power attack helicopters, two Mi-171E helicopters, three JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft, which were delivered and inducted in May 2021.

Riaz Haq said...

#Azerbaijan (Su-25), #Pakistan (JF-17) And #Qatar Emiri Air Force Combat Aircraft (Rafale) and #Turkey (F-16) Stole the Scene At Anatolian Eagle 2021 in Turkey, attracting aviation spotters from many foreign countries.

Anatolian Eagle (AE) does not need introductions: organized by the Turkish Air Force at Konya Air Base, in central Anatolia, south of Ankara, Turkey, AE is a very well-known series of exercises hosted by the Turkish and attended each year by several foreign air arms. It is inspired by the U.S. Red Flag and Maple Flag series, the aim of which is to train fighter pilots for the first few days of a modern conflict.

The exercise provides the participating Turkish and foreign nations air forces an interesting opportunity to perform joint combat training in real-world scenarios that include Combined Air Operations (COMAOs) on tactical and strategic targets defended by Aggressors aircraft and Surface to Air Missile (SAM) threats of all types. A wide array of missions are planned and executed during Anatolian Eagle, spanning from CAP (Combat Air Patrol), Fighter Sweep and SEAD/DEAD (Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses) to AI (Air Interdiction), CAS (Close Air Support) and CSAR (Combat SAR).

This is what we wrote about Konya, in one of our previous reports about the drills (you can find on our site the 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2019 reports):

Konya is an important base, the headquarters of the Anatolian Eagle Training Center Command, that plans, organizes and conducts the AE drills and has the important role of testing and validating TuAF’s aircraft and units’ ability and preparedness for combat, establishing a background knowledge to achieve the military aims at war in the shortest time and with minimum effort. In simple words, Konya is where tactics are developed and put to test. Moreover, it hosts the 131 Filo, the squadron that operates the E-7T (B737AEW&C); 132 Filo that flies the F-16C/D Block 50; 135 Filo, equipped with AS532AL, CN235M-100 and UH-1H helicopters and it is the homebase of the Turkish Stars, the TuAF display team.

The latest iteration of the exercise, AE 2021, was held at Konya between Jun. 21 and Jul. 2, 2021 and saw, for the first time, the participation of the Azerbaijan Air Force. Four Azerbaijani aircraft, two MiG-29s from Nasosnaya AB and two Su-25s from Kürdəmir AB joined the drills along with four Qatar Emiri Air Force Rafales from Tamim, Qatar, and five Pakistan Air Force JF-17 Thunder from Minhas/Kamra Air Base, Pakistan. The foreign attendees cooperated with the Turkish Air Force contingent, including 39 F-16C/D jets and several supporting assets (among them, at least one E-7T and one KC-135R). A NATO E-3A AWACS also supported the exercise.

Riaz Haq said...

#WorldDefenceShow in #Riyadh: #Pakistan strengthens #intelligence cooperation with #SaudiArabia, and achieving more #Saudi #investments in the #defense industry. The #Arab kingdom is the largest POF (Pak Ordnance Factories) customer, beating the #UAE.

Pakistan is strengthening its intelligence cooperation with Saudi Arabia and achieving more Saudi investments in the defence industry, as discussed at the first World Defence Show earlier this month. Pakistan is also intensifying its partnerships with China.

The first World Defence Show was launched in Riyadh between 6-9 March and received a great reception. It hosted the Pakistan Pavilion, which displayed equipment from the Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF), the Ministry of Defence Production's largest defence complex in the country.

The kingdom is the largest POF customer, beating the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Pakistani government, led by Imran Khan, is looking to attract more Saudi investments after obtaining a $4.2 billion loan from the Saudi Fund for Development. It relies on its defence industry to attract new capital.

The POF, headed by Ali Amir Awan, has factories in the Wah Cantonment in Punjab, whose pavilion in Riyadh was visited by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Partnership agreements were signed with CEO of Saudi Arabia Military Industries (SAMI) Walid Abukhaled and Governor of General Authority for Military Industries (GAMI) Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al-Ohali.

At the defence exhibition, the Pakistani military revealed its new BW20 assault rifle and promoted its work with the Pakistan Machine Tool Factory (PMTF), which assembles US, French and Chinese weapons.

Chinese help
Led by retired Army Chief of Staff Raheel Sharif, who now heads the Riyadh-based Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, the Pakistan Defence Industry delegation showcased its latest products, including the JF-17 fighter jet.

The aircraft was developed in partnership with China's Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group and is not the only Pakistani equipment that China has participated in manufacturing.

With Chinese assistance, the Pakistan Air Force has also developed the Burraq drone, derived from the Uqab drone.

The Chinese Norinco Company for General Defence also participated in the exhibition in Riyadh. It regularly attends the Dubai Airshow and IDEX UAE.

Saudi Ambassador to Islamabad Nawaf Bin Saeed Al-Maliki and Chairman of the Pakistan Investment Council Mohammed Azfar Ahsan discussed increasing economic cooperation between the two countries last month, with the negotiations continuing at the World Defence Show.

The only tangible deal was the Saudi Telecom Company's investment in Pakistan's Awal Telecom.

Riyadh and Islamabad also continue their security cooperation, with the head of Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence, Khalid Bin Ali al-Humaidan, entering into an agreement with the head of Internal Intelligence (ISI), Nadim Ahmed Anjum, in Islamabad in December.

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan Displays India’s MiG-21 Bison’s Tail Shot Down By PAF F-16 Fighter Jet At Its Defense Expo — Reports

Ashish Dangwal
November 17, 2022

The tail section of a MiG-21 of the Indian Air Force is on display at IDEAS-22 that was shot down on February 27, 2019, during Operation Swift Retort, by a Pakistani F-16. New Delhi and Islamabad made different statements about the event’s occurrence at the time.

Meanwhile, the J-17C’s informative photos, one of which also shows the cockpit, are being presented at the event. A video module of the aircraft is also showcased at PAF Pavilion during IDEAS 2022.

Pakistan’s JF-17C, also known as Block 3, is the latest version of the J-17 aircraft. The Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) of China and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) collaborated to develop the medium-sized multi-role JF-17 ‘Thunder’ fighter aircraft for the Pakistan Air Force.

The service has received more than 100 Thunder jets since 2007.

The JF-17 C model is thought to have taken to the skies for the first time in December 2019. The PL-10E, which China describes as its most advanced air-to-air missile, was also spotted being carried by the JF-17 Block 3 in 2021.

The JF-17C has notable upgraded capabilities, such as Missile Approach Warning Systems (MAWS), Wide Angle Smart HUD, more Chin Hardpoints, and an integrated EW suite.

Another photograph that has gained popularity on the internet is thought to be the finest image of a PAF JF-17C – dubbed Block 3 – so far.

The DEPO organizes IDEAS every two years. Since its beginning in 2000, IDEAS has established itself as a worldwide staging ground for defense manufacturers, business owners, R&D professionals, finance experts, and top-level officials.

However, in terms of space, reservations, exhibitors, and delegates from domestic and international countries, this year’s event has reportedly eclipsed all records.

The defense expo was inaugurated by Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari at the city’s expo center in Karachi. IDEAS 2022 officially started on November 15 and will last through November 18.

In his remarks at the occasion, FM Bhutto-Zardari discussed the current coalition government’s difficulties while noting that it succeeded despite the economic downturn. About 300 exhibitors are showing off their latest products from 32 nations.

This exhibition is attended by about 500 national and international delegates, including high-level delegations from friendly nations.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif tweeted that the nation’s defense industry is meeting the demands of the technological era, and he emphasized that IDEAS had grown into a significant platform in the global defense market.

He stated that this year’s event’s ‘Arms for Peace’ theme represented Pakistan’s commitment to peace and stability. Sharif added that IDEAS had developed into a platform that showcased Pakistan’s expanding impact in the global defense market.

“Good to see that our defense sector is catering to demands of the tech era,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan Air Force is presenting its aerospace, avionics, cyberspace, and other related technologies at its pavilion. The National Aerospace Science and Technology Park (NASTP) is the PAF pavilion’s biggest attraction.

It is a Pakistan Air Force project to promote industry-academia linkage to provide an ecosystem of critical elements required to nurture design, research, development, and innovation in the aviation, space, and cyber sectors.


Speaking at the event, the Air Chief stated that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is dedicated to creating advanced technologies in the nation to deliver the most cutting-edge, efficient, and impenetrable aerial defense.

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to Regain Superiority,%2D29%20and%20Su%2D30MKI.

Despite considerable investments in modernisation, the balance of power in the air with neighbouring Pakistan may soon deteriorate as the Pakistani Air Force pursues a far cheaper modernisation program for its own fighter fleet centred around two main programs - the JF-17 and Project AZM. The most advanced variants of the JF-17 the JF-17B and JF-17 Block 2 currently have capabilities comparable to lower end Indian fighters. These jets are overall slightly superior to the Mirage 2000, but face a considerable disadvantage if facing the MiG-29 or Rafale - let alone the Su-30MKI which would retain an overwhelming advantage across the spectrum. These JF-17 variants nevertheless represent a considerable upgrade for the Pakistani Air Force from reliance on near obsolete J-7 and Mirage III fighters, and currently form the elite of the fleet alongside American F-16C Fighting Falcons. The JF-17 is the only Pakistani fighter other than the F-16 equipped with active radar guided air to air missiles - namely the PL-12 with a 100km range.

While the JF-17 Block 2 represents is far from a qualitative peer to the majority of the Indian fleet, the upcoming JF-17 Block 3 variant unveiled in December 2019 appears set to be a game changer for Pakistani aerial warfare capabilities. The fighter integrates some limited stealth features, a more powerful engine, a larger AESA radar, the first ever infra red search and track system on a Pakistani fighter, new electronic warfare systems and PL-15 long range air to air missiles. With an estimated range of 200-300km, the PL-15 will outrange all of India’s existing air to air missiles built for use against fighters - from the 80km range MICA used by Rafale and Mirage 2000 jets to the 110km range R-77 used by the MiG-21, MiG-29 and Su-30MKI. With Pakistan potentially fielding over 100 of these new fighters, including both single and twin seat variants, the JF-17 Block 3 could be a serious game changer.

Riaz Haq said...

#China Defense Minister Wants to ‘deepen and expand’ #military ties with #Pakistan for mutual interests and to jointly protect regional #peace and #stability. “China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and close matter how the international situation changes, China always gives Pakistan priority" via @AJEnglish

China says it will work with Pakistan’s military to “further deepen and expand” the two nations’ mutual interests and jointly protect regional peace and stability.

A statement by the Chinese defence ministry on Wednesday said Zhang Youxia, the vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, made the comments during his meeting with Pakistan’s army chief, General Syed Asim Munir, who is on his maiden visit to Beijing.

“Noting that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and close friends, Zhang said that no matter how the international situation changes, China always gives Pakistan priority in its neighbourhood diplomacy,” said the statement.

Another statement released by the Pakistan army’s media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), said Munir was given a warm welcome and presented with a guard of honour upon his arrival at the People’s Liberation Army headquarters in Beijing on Wednesday.

“Matters of mutual security interests and military cooperation were discussed. Both military commanders reiterated the need for maintaining peace and stability in the region and enhancing military to military cooperation,” the Pakistani statement said.

The ISPR said Munir will hold further meetings with military officials in China to enhance the “longstanding relations between the two militaries” during his four-day visit.

Muhammad Faisal, an Islamabad-based foreign policy analyst and close observer of Pakistan-China ties, told Al Jazeera Munir’s visit is crucial as it comes amid political, economic and security crises in Pakistan.

“Of late, Pakistan’s dependency on China for economic stability and regional security coordination has grown in the face of financial challenges, renewed threat of terrorism and India-centric challenges,” he said.

Pakistan and China have ongoing border disputes with India, threatening regional security.

Munir’s predecessor General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited China two months before his retirement in November last year. That month also saw Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif making a trip to Beijing and meeting President Xi Jinping.

China has invested $60bn in the ambitious China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project and is Pakistan’s key economic and defence partner.

The South Asian country owes nearly $30bn – 23 percent of its total debt – to China.

As Islamabad struggles to resume a much-needed $1.1bn loan programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it has sought help from its allies, mainly China, to roll over some of its existing loans.

Analyst Faisal said while the Pakistani military remains engaged with China on regional security, economy has also taken over as a central agenda in the meetings between the military commanders of the two nations.

“This is a new development and indicates that Chinese military is closely following Pakistan’s economic challenges,” he told Al Jazeera.

As China continues to help Pakistan economically, the last few years saw multiple attacks on Chinese nationals and facilities carried out by the armed groups in Pakistan.

Earlier this month, a Chinese national working at a hydropower plant being constructed by a Chinese company in northern Pakistan was accused of blasphemy – a sensitive issue in Muslim-majority Pakistan.

The Chinese man is currently in a two-week judicial custody which ends on May 2.

Two years ago, 13 people, including nine Chinese nationals working at the same hydropower project, were killed in an attack claimed by the Pakistan Taliban, known by the acronym TTP.

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan signs contract to sell JF-17 fighter jets to Azerbaijan

Pakistan's military said on Thursday that the country has signed a contract to sell JF-17 Block III fighter jets to Azerbaijan.
The aircraft is co-produced by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and developed jointly with China, with whom Islamabad has grown increasingly close as ties with traditional military ally the United States have weakened over the last few years.
The military did not provide the cost or quantity of jets agreed to, but said in a statement that the sale was part of Islamabad's efforts to enhance defence cooperation with friendly countries and bolster the air power capabilities of Azerbaijan.

Pakistan is also a close ally of Turkey, which backed Azerbaijan in its standoff with Armenia when clashes erupted between the two South Caucasus countries last year, resuming decades-old hostilities.
Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev was in Pakistan in July on a state visit where the two countries agreed to enhance cooperation in a number of areas, including defence.
Following the visit, Pakistan deployed an air force contingent at Baku to participate in the Azerbaijan defence exhibition to showcase the aircraft, Pakistan's military said.

The aircraft "is capable of undertaking a wide array of combat missions providing contemporary airpower employment options," the statement added.