Monday, June 28, 2021

The Biden Bounce: US Student Visa Applications From Pakistan Jump 37% in 2021

Student visa applications from Pakistan have jumped 37% this year. Overall, the number of international student applicants has increased by about 9% this year from last year, according to data from the Common App, as of January 22, 2021. Most of the top “sending” countries are showing increases, with the notable exception of China, the leading source of international students. But that decrease has been more than offset by substantial increases from countries like India, Canada, Nigeria, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, and Brazil, according to a report in Forbes magazine.

Pakistani F-1 Students in the United States. Source: Open Door

Although applications from China are down by 18% from last year, that loss is more than offset by large increases in applicants from several other countries; including India (+28%), Canada (+22%), Nigeria (+12%), Pakistan (+37%), the United Kingdom (+23%), and Brazil (+41%), according to Forbes. American colleges and universities have welcomed the trend. 43% of educational institutions are reporting an increase in their international student applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. 

The bounce is being attributed to declining COVID cases and the anticipation of the Biden Administration's liberal visa policy. President Joseph R. Biden has signaled his welcoming attitude toward foreign arrivals by signing a number of executive orders ranging from the revocation of Trump's "Muslim ban" to reinstatement of DACA protection.  

In the last pre-COVID academic year 2018-19, nearly 2,000 new F-1 students arrived in the United States from Pakistan, making it the 25th largest sending country. In the same academic year, China was the top sending country with nearly 100,000 new students enrolling in American universities. India was second with about 43,000 students. 

There were 7,939 Pakistani students studying on F-1 visa in the United States, ranking the country as the 22nd among countries sending students to the United States. China topped with nearly 370,000 international students in the United States while India was second with just over 200,000 students. 

Earlier in 2021,  representatives from 13 top US universities visited Pakistan and met thousands of Pakistani students at college fairs in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi as part of EducationUSA’s 16th South Asia Tour.  They shared valuable information about their institutions’ academic programs, campus life, financial aid options, and application procedures, according to the US Embassy in Pakistan.  

Since 2005, Pakistan’s Fulbright Program is the world’s largest in terms of financial contribution from the U.S. Government. The Government of Pakistan, through the Higher Education Commission (HEC), has also provided generous support. Every year approximately 100 Pakistanis begin master’s programs, and another 50 begin PhD studies on Fulbright scholarships at leading U.S. universities. 


Mayraj F. said...

I hope these students are making wise choices because in many universities quality of teaching has declined; while costs has become exorbitant and not worth it.

Riaz Haq said...

Mayraj: "I hope these students are making wise choices because in many universities quality of teaching has declined; while costs has become exorbitant and not worth it."

The fact that the Chinese are coming in such large numbers to the US for STEM education at colleges and universities is an indication that the quality of US education is still superior to that of the rest of the world.

Mayraj F. said...

In China it is more competitive to get into top universities. I remember reading that from a comment by a Chinese student on some webforum.

Also see:

Riaz Haq said...

Mayraj: "In China it is more competitive to get into top universities. I remember reading that from a comment by a Chinese student on some webforum"

I think those who seek an Ivy League degree are looking for its brand value more than the actual quality of learning.

Ivy League schools know it. That's why they don't award degrees for online courses which offer essentially the same content as in-person courses.

This idea can be extended to other top US schools such as UC Berkeley or UCLA.

Ahmed said...


Thank you for sharing such useful and informative post, as far as I know, Chinese Universities are no doubt listed in the top 50 or 100 Universities of the world in QS ranking but they are not listed in the top 20 Universities of the world. The top 20 Universities of the world are mostly from America,Canada or Europe.

Riaz Haq said...

UMaine welcomes U.S. Department of State Global UGRAD-Pakistan student

International student Afsah Pervaiz has joined the University of Maine community as part of the U.S. Department of State’s Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Pakistan (Global UGRAD-Pakistan). Pervaiz is an undergraduate student studying microbiology.

The Global UGRAD-Pakistan program, established in 2010, places Pakistani participants at U.S. colleges and universities for a semester of study abroad, leadership skills building and professional development. It is part of a broader U.S. Department of State effort to promote greater understanding between the people of the United States and other countries.

Through semester-long academic coursework, exploration of U.S. culture, participation in community service projects, and interactions with Americans in their host communities and campuses, Global UGRAD-Pakistan participants develop expertise in their academic fields and gain a broad and nuanced understanding of American culture and values. Global UGRAD-Pakistan participants enrich the lives of the Americans they meet by sharing their culture and bringing a global perspective to their host communities.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Pakistan is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by IREX. More information about the program is online.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Pakistan (Global UGRAD-Pakistan) provides emerging youth leaders from diverse communities across Pakistan with the opportunity to attend American universities and colleges for non-degree academic study.

During a semester of undergraduate classes and community engagement, participants strengthen their leadership, academic, and career-preparedness skills while building relationships with Americans. Participants return home as engaged leaders committed to tackling pressing challenges in their communities and fostering greater understanding between people of the United States and Pakistan.

Global UGRAD-Pakistan is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by IREX.

Riaz Haq said...

The United States and Pakistan Break Ground on U.S. Education Foundation of Pakistan Headquarters - U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Pakistan

Islamabad, February 16, 2022: Today marks a new milestone in the 75 years of the U.S.-Pakistani relationship with the groundbreaking of the first permanent headquarters for the U.S. Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP).

U.S. Embassy Islamabad ChargĂ© d’affaires Angela P. Aggeler noted: “Today’s ground-breaking is just the next step in the tremendous work of USEFP and each of you who are dedicated to bringing our people together through education, and eager to watch it continue for decades to come.”

In 1950, the United States and Pakistan officially formed a bilateral commission – now known as USEFP – to exchange Masters’ and PhD students. Today, USEFP manages a wide range of educational and professional exchange programs, including the largest Fulbright Program in the world, between Pakistan and the United States, and many thousands of alumni of those programs are leaders throughout the country.

Rita Akhtar, Executive Director of the USEFP, added that the Capital Development Authority’s land donation to this project and the participation of iconic architect Nayyar Ali Dada were further indications of how favorably Pakistan views the opportunities afforded by U.S. higher education.

The new headquarters will serve as a state-of-the-art facility for managing U.S. government-funded exchange programs, such as the Fulbright program, and for the Islamabad advising center of EducationUSA, the official U.S. government resource for all students interested in pursuing education opportunities in the Untied States

Riaz Haq said...

Foreign student enrollment at U.S. universities fell 15% amid COVID-19

Number of Pakistani students in US fell by 5.8% to 7,475 in 2020-21.

Fewer than 1 million foreign students enrolled for either online or in-person classes at U.S. universities in the 2020-21 school year, comprising 4.6% of total enrollment at American higher educational institutions. That not only marks a 15% year-over-year decrease from the 2019-20 school year, but also marks the first time since 2014-15 that fewer than a million international students have enrolled at U.S. institutions.

China remained the leading place of origin for international students, with 35% of all international students in the 2020-21 school year hailing from the country. The second most common place of origin was India (18%), followed by South Korea (4%) and Canada (3%). Some of these countries also experienced the largest year-over-year decreases in the number of students who enrolled at U.S. institutions. The largest such percentage decreases occurred in South Korea (-21%), China (-15%) and India (-13%).

The overall decrease in the number of foreign students in the U.S. in 2020-21 was driven by sizable reductions in first-time students coming from abroad – in many cases due to border closings, flight cancellations or other challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Riaz Haq said...

For US Visa, Over 2-Year Wait For New Delhi, Just 2 Days For Beijing
There's an appointment wait-time of 833 days for applications from Delhi and 848 days from Mumbai for visitor visas.

Indian visa applicants require a wait-time of over two years just for getting an appointment, a US government website showed, while the timeframe is only two days for countries like China.

There's an appointment wait-time of 833 days for applications from Delhi and 848 days from Mumbai for visitor visas, shows the US State Department's website. In contrast, the wait-time is only two days for Beijing and 450 days for Islamabad

For student visas, the wait time is 430 days for Delhi and Mumbai. Surprisingly, it's only one day for Islamabad, and two for Beijing.

Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, who is in the US, yesterday raised the issue of visa applications backlog with the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The top US diplomat said he's "extremely sensitive" to the issue and that they are facing a similar situation around the world, a challenge arising due to Covid.

Riaz Haq said...

United States Ambassador Donald Blome joined officials from the University of Utah and the Federal Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, to inaugurate the International Summit on Higher Education and Workforce Development today.

The summit was organized by the U.S.-funded Higher Education System Strengthening Activity (HESSA) and focuses on the role of higher education in the 21st century, highlighting the fluid nature of learning and employment, and explores how universities can reposition themselves in this ever-changing landscape.

Ambassador Donald Blome celebrated the 75 years of partnership between the U.S. and Pakistan and said, “In a country where more than 60 percent of the population is below the age of 30, we must continue to help youth achieve their full potential.”

Minister Iqbal remarked that the Government of Pakistan is open to improving the higher education system and is looking into various options to capitalize on the abundant youth potential in the country. He appreciated Pakistan’s 75-year partnership with the U.S. government and celebrated the support provided by the U.S. government to academia through specialized investment in higher education. He further added that academic institutions and the public and private sectors should join hands to accelerate this development. Mr. Iqbal tasked Pakistani higher education officials to improve higher education.

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC), said that HEC will continue working with the U.S. government to build a cadre of experts to improve graduate employability.

Senator Keith Grover, Utah State Senator from the United States noted, “it is the ultimate goal of an institute to provide necessary skills for youth so they can positively contribute to the workforce both locally and globally.”

HESSA is supported by the United States through USAID, and is implemented in collaboration with 16 Pakistani public universities and other stakeholders, with a focus on strengthening universities’ capacity to deliver market-driven education, research, and graduate employability.

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan ranks 16th in terms of international students studying in the United States.

There are 8,772 Pakistanis studying in the United States in 2021/22, up 17% from the prior year when COVID restrictions reduced international travel.


There has been a 17 percent year-on-year increase in the number of Pakistani students in the United States during 2021-22, says an official US report.

The report, released in Washington this week, notes that the United States remains the top destination for international students and the number of students from Bangladesh, Nepal, India, and Pakistan is on the rise!

In South Asia, Bangladesh topped the list with a 23 per cent year-over-year increase, followed by India with a 19pc increase.

Pakistan also has the largest US-funded Fulbright programme in the world, which sends 150 Pakistanis each year to US universities — 100 to earn their master’s degrees and 50 to earn PhDs.

The United States also sponsors 800 Pakistanis each year to travel on exchange programs — from high school students who spend a year at a US high school to professionals who connect with their American counterparts. As a result, Pakistan is home to the largest network of alumni of US government-funded exchange programmes in the world.

The “Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange,” published this week, identified China and India as the largest sources of international students to the United States. During the current academic year, China sent 290,086 students, which is 30.6pc of the total number of international students in the US. Yet, it is a decline of 8.6pc, compared to the previous academic year. India, which sent 199,183 students this year — 21 percent of the total — registered a 19pc year-over-year increase. Toge­ther, China and India represent the majority (almost 52pc) of all international students in the United States.

This year’s report shows a 91pc decline in the total number of US students who studied abroad during the 2020-2021 academic year. This is apparently because since the Covid-19 pandemic, 62pc of US colleges offer virtual internships.

While the pandemic also caused a 45.6pc decline in new international students in 2020, the latest data, covering the 2021-2022 academic year, indicates that the total number of international students in the US — 948,519 — has started to recover.

This can be seen in a 3.8pc increase over the 914,095 international students in the US in 2020. Still, the number is well below the nearly 1.1 million international students reported in 2018.

Much of the recent growth is driven by an increase in the number of new international students — 261,961 – which is up 80pc over the 145,528 from 2020 but still 2.14pc below the 267,712 from 2019. Over the past decade, US colleges enrolled more students from China than from any other country. The onset of the global pandemic effectively halted travel between China and the US and political tensions further exacerbated the situation. Now, many Chinese parents feel their children are safe in the US.

The increase in Indian students is also attributed to the Biden administration’s policy of prioritising the student-visa processing in India. This includes adding more staff at US missions in India and streamlining the process, Chinese visa approvals are trending lower than in past years.

Riaz Haq said...

US generously provides opportunities to Pakistani students: education official

Washington has been investing generously on Pakistani students to provide them with the best education opportunities and every year more than 800 students travel to the United States (US).

This was highlighted by deputy assistant secretary Bureau of Educational and Culture Affairs of US Department of States Ethan Rosenzweig, who is currently in Pakistan on a brief visit.

Exclusively speaking to Dawn here on Thursday, the visiting US education official said there were a lot of opportunities for Pakistani students to study in his country, through scholarships and a number of exchange programmes.

“I arrived yesterday (Wednesday) and what struck me immediately was that everyone is so kind, funny and welcoming. The hospitality of the Pakistani community is something which I will remember for a long time,” said Mr Rosenzweig while sharing his experience of visiting Pakistan.

Talking about the Fulbright scholarship progamme, he said this programme was the premier international exchange programme for students, researchers and scholars. He said Pakistan had the largest US government-funded Fulbright programme in the world.

Mr Rosenzweig said the US-Pakistan relationship and Fulbright programme were beneficial to fight global challenges together such as climate change, global health and strengthening of freedom of expression and democratic values.

“Under this programme, the US government has been ensuring that students have opportunities in the US. I am so excited because our Fulbright programme is larger than any country. It is larger than Germany, larger than the United Kingdom and larger than Australia,” he said and added that he was here to celebrate the success of this programme and the important diplomatic relationship between both countries.

“I believe relationships between the two countries will be more stronger regardless of impediments occurring in Pakistan,” he added, without elaborating.

“We have over 800 Pakistanis coming to the US every year through exchange programmes. Whether its young leaders, researchers or community officials coming for a short stay, they travel to the US every year, because both the countries have been enjoying cordial bilateral and diplomatic relations.

“The US has a large alumni network of 37,000 members in Pakistan and alumni groups have been playing an important role in Pakistan by applying the experience they gained from US,” he said.

Mr Rosenzweig said that the Humphrey programme is also one of the most important programmes, under which the US invites Pakistani leaders, government officials and others to visit the country and work on pressing issues, such as climate change and global health.

He said that he was here to attend an important dialogue [Humphrey Conference], which is being attended by alumni under the theme of ‘Combatting Climate Change’, adding that he was glad to see current leaders engaged in solving challenges.

When asked about the inactive status of the six-week-long partnership programme for Pakistani journalists for the last few years, he said that he will check it out, saying, “There are so many programmes that bring professionals to the US, whether it is a short visit to travel around to meet government leaders, semester visits for students or longer visits for researchers. I want to celebrate what we have.”

To another question, he said that they also have a sports diplomacy programme and programmes for differently-abled students. “When it comes to ensuring that differently-abled students have opportunities, we are leaders in this field and are also working directly with Pakistan with specific grants to help teach differently-abled students. All students deserve great education,” he said.

Responding to a question about the recent floods in Pakistan which also damaged educational infrastructure, he said: “The US is deeply committed towards ensuring that Pakistan has the resources to recover from the flood.”

Riaz Haq said...

there were dramatic increases in enrollment by students from some Western European countries: almost 60 percent from Germany, more than 41 percent from Spain and about 37 percent from France. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Colombia and Nigeria were also among those countries marking double-digit percentage increases, as well.

The number of international students at U.S. colleges increased last year after a marked drop during the pandemic, according to a survey of thousands of universities released Monday.

For a normal college experience during the pandemic, these students hopped continents

The number of international students increased 4 percent in the 2021-2022 academic year to nearly 1 million students, coming from more than 200 countries, the survey found, a rebound that many higher education officials hoped to see.

But the data also indicated a drop in the number of students from China, the country that for years has sent the most students to the United States.

The Open Doors 2022 Report on International Educational Exchange was released Monday by the Institute of International Education and the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The survey included both enrolled students and those here on optional practical training — temporary work related to their academic field — at some 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States.

A separate, much smaller survey of more than 600 schools this fall offered a more recent snapshot of data, finding an additional 9 percent increase in enrollment by international students.

The numbers are closely watched for the cultural and economic impact of such exchanges; international students alter the educational experience for U.S. students studying with them. And, according to the Commerce Department, they contributed $32 billion to the U.S. economy in 2021.

In more than a century of data, Allan E. Goodman, chief executive of the Institute of International Education (IIE), said, they have seen that international exchanges occur even during pandemics and grow rapidly afterward.

The increase was welcomed by Lee Satterfield, assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs. “We are thrilled to see international student numbers on the rise, and to see the United States maintain its global leadership as the top destination of choice for international students,” Satterfield said in a statement.

Satterfield said that welcoming international students to American campuses “is at the heart of people-to-people diplomacy and a foundational component of our U.S. foreign policy strategy to attract the top talent to the United States.”

More than half of all international students last year came from China or India. China sent the most — nearly a third of the total — but the numbers decreased nearly 9 percent from the 2020-2021 academic year.

At the same time, the number of students from India increased nearly 19 percent, to almost 200,000.

Before 2020, the number of students from China had been increasing since the 2009-2010 academic year, said Mirka Martel, head of research, evaluation and learning for IIE. She said the pandemic and its impact on travel is probably one of the primary reasons Chinese students were unable to travel to the United States or were choosing to defer their studies.

Speaking to whether geopolitics influenced those numbers as well, Ethan Rosenzweig, deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the State Department, said on a press call that the Biden administration has been very clear that Chinese students are welcome here. Rosenzweig said he is looking forward to China opening its borders to allow U.S. universities to recruit in person there again.

Riaz Haq said...

India is about to surpass China as the world's most populous country.

India has overtaken China in terms of the US F-1 student visas issued.

Graduate programs in STEM and business fields at US universities are dominated by Indian and Chinese students.

100,000 Indians and 56,000 Chinese students have been issued US F-1 visa in 2022.

Most Chinese students go back to China while the vast majority of Indian students stay in the US for employment after graduation.

So it makes sense that some of the top Indian students graduating from US universities rise to become CEOs of tech companies.

Riaz Haq said...

UK emerges as top destination for Pakistani students seeking master’s degrees
Pakistani students receive access to millions of pounds worth of scholarships and bursaries in the UK

Due to its rich educational history and culture that fosters a global perspective, the UK has become one of the most sought-after destinations for Pakistani students looking to acquire higher education. As of June 2022, the number of student visas issued for Pakistani students has surged to 28,188, marking a significant 95pc increase from the previous year.

A major contributing factor to this trend is the UK’s Graduate Route (GR) programme, which was launched in 2021. This programme allows Pakistani students to kick-start their careers immediately after completing their course, with a two-year upper limit to find employment. Doctoral graduates (PhD) are given an additional year, providing them with a competitive edge in the job market.

Moreover, the UK’s master’s degree programme is another key factor attracting Pakistani students. The programme offers extensive transformational instruction in just 12 months, comprising a combination of classes, projects, studies, and papers. Compared to other countries where the postgraduate programme lasts two years, students in the UK can start working almost a year earlier, giving them a competitive advantage while also being more cost-effective.

As a global hub for education, the UK boasts four universities in the top 10 list of the Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2023. Graduates from the UK have access to the best-in-class industry professionals, research facilities, and infrastructure to acquire practical skills, making them highly employable. According to QS Graduate Employability Rankings, UK graduates are the most employable globally. Additionally, according to a Universities UK International (UUKI) report, 83pc of international graduates stated that their UK degree helped them secure a job.

For Pakistani students who cannot afford tuition fees, numerous scholarships and bursaries worth millions of pounds are available, including the Commonwealth Scholarships, Chevening Scholarships, and others. The British Council also provides exceptional scholarships to young, brilliant Pakistanis, such as the British Council Women in STEM Scholarships and GREAT Scholarships, opening up even more opportunities for them.

A UK education prepares young students to become the leaders of tomorrow, researchers who address global challenges, entrepreneurs, and policy leaders of the future. For Pakistani students considering postgraduate education abroad, the UK offers innumerable benefits for their future professional careers.

Riaz Haq said...

According to the latest data available from the Chinese Ministry of Education, as of 2020, there were 28,023 Pakistani students studying in China. This represents a significant increase from previous years, as the number of Pakistani students in China has been steadily growing over the last decade. Pakistan is among the top countries sending international students to China, and the two countries have been strengthening their educational ties in recent years through various initiatives and exchange programs.


According to the latest data available from the German Federal Statistical Office, as of 2020, there were 25,609 Pakistani students enrolled in German universities. This represents a significant increase from previous years, as the number of Pakistani students in Germany has been steadily growing over the last decade. Pakistani students are one of the largest groups of international students in Germany, and the country is a popular destination for Pakistani students seeking higher education opportunities abroad.


According to the latest data available from the Department of Home Affairs, as of June 2021, there were 23,207 Pakistani students enrolled in Australian education institutions. This represents a significant increase from previous years, as the number of Pakistani students in Australia has been steadily growing over the last decade.


According to the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), as of the academic year 2020/2021, there were 21,045 Pakistani students enrolled in higher education institutions in the UK. This represents a decline from the previous year, which saw 22,385 Pakistani students enrolled in UK universities. However, Pakistani students remain one of the largest non-EU groups of international students in the UK.


According to the Open Doors Report 2021, published by the Institute of International Education (IIE), during the 2020/2021 academic year, there were 10,606 Pakistani students enrolled in higher education institutions in the United States. This represents a decline from the previous year, which saw 11,916 Pakistani students enrolled in US universities. However, Pakistani students remain an important part of the international student community in the United States.


According to the latest data available from Campus France, as of the academic year 2019/2020, there were 2,903 Pakistani students enrolled in French universities and other higher education institutions. This represents an increase from the previous year, which saw 2,582 Pakistani students enrolled in French institutions. Pakistani students make up a relatively small proportion of the international student community in France, but there has been a steady increase in their numbers in recent years.


According to the latest data available from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), as of May 2021, there were 2,096 Pakistani students enrolled in Japanese universities and other higher education institutions. This represents a slight increase from the previous year, which saw 2,057 Pakistani students enrolled in Japanese institutions. Pakistani students make up a relatively small proportion of the international student community in Japan, but the country has been making efforts to attract more international students, including from Pakistan.

Norway: As of 2020, there were 496 Pakistani students enrolled in Norwegian universities, according to the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education.

Sweden: As of 2020, there were 1,433 Pakistani students enrolled in Swedish universities, according to the Swedish Council for Higher Education.

Denmark: As of 2020, there were 152 Pakistani students enrolled in Danish universities, according to the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

Overall, the number of Pakistani students in Scandinavia is relatively small compared to other regions, but there has been a steady increase in recent years.

Riaz Haq said...

From Open AI's ChatGPT:

According to the latest data available from the Canadian government, there were 21,595 international students from Pakistan studying in Canada in 2020. Pakistani students make up one of the largest groups of international students in Canada. It's worth noting that this number may have changed since then, and the actual number may vary depending on the source of information.

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Malaysia. However, according to the Malaysian Ministry of Education, in 2020, there were a total of 19,711 international students from Pakistan studying in Malaysia. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.


I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time data on the exact number of Pakistani students in the UAE. However, according to the Pakistan embassy in the UAE, there are approximately 1.6 million Pakistanis living and working in the UAE, out of which a significant number may be students. The Pakistani community is one of the largest expatriate communities in the UAE.


I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Russia. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Russian government's Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation, there were 3,500 Pakistani students studying in Russia in 2019. Please note that this number may have changed since then, and the actual number may vary depending on the source of information.


According to the latest available data from the New Zealand government's Ministry of Education, there were 3,245 international students from Pakistan studying in New Zealand in 2020. Pakistani students make up one of the significant groups of international students in New Zealand. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.


According to the latest data available, there were 3,365 Pakistani students studying in Singapore in 2020. This information was provided by the Singapore government's Ministry of Education. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.


I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Italy. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Italian government's Ministry of Education, University and Research, there were 3,005 Pakistani students enrolled in Italian universities in the academic year 2019-2020. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.

I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Spain. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Spanish government's Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, there were 2,643 Pakistani students studying in Spanish universities in the academic year 2019-2020. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.

I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Thailand. However, according to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation of Thailand, there were 2,587 Pakistani students studying in Thailand in 2020. It's worth noting that this number may have changed since then, and the actual number may vary depending on the source of information.

Riaz Haq said...

From Open AI's ChatGPT:

I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Ireland. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Irish government's Higher Education Authority, there were 2,410 Pakistani students enrolled in Irish higher education institutions in the academic year 2019-2020. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.

I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Switzerland. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Swiss government's Federal Statistical Office, there were 1,638 Pakistani students enrolled in Swiss universities and other tertiary education institutions in 2019. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.


I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Austria. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Austrian government's Ministry of Education, Science, and Research, there were 1,241 international students from Pakistan studying in Austria in the academic year 2019-2020. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.


I'm sorry, but I don't have the latest data on the exact number of Pakistani students in Finland. However, according to the latest available statistics from the Finnish National Agency for Education, there were 387 Pakistani students studying in higher education institutions in Finland in 2019. Please note that this number may have changed since then and may vary depending on the source of information.

Riaz Haq said...

Open AI ChatGPT answers:

According to the latest available data from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, as of 2021, there were approximately 50,000 Pakistani students enrolled in various universities and institutions in Saudi Arabia. This number includes students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs as well as those enrolled in technical and vocational education and training programs. It is worth noting that this number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant authorities or organizations in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.


According to the data provided by the Ministry of Education of Iran, as of 2021, there were approximately 12,000 Pakistani students studying in Iranian universities. This number includes students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs, as well as those enrolled in short-term language courses and other training programs. However, it is worth noting that this number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant authorities or organizations in Pakistan or Iran.


I'm sorry, but I do not have access to real-time information on the exact number of Pakistani students currently studying in Egypt. However, according to the Embassy of Pakistan in Cairo, as of 2021, there were approximately 6,000 Pakistani students enrolled in various Egyptian universities. This number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant authorities or organizations in Pakistan or Egypt.


I'm sorry, but I do not have access to real-time information on the exact number of Pakistani students currently studying in Turkey. However, according to the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, as of 2020, there were around 4,200 Pakistani students studying in various universities across Turkey. This number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant authorities or organizations in Pakistan or Turkey.


I'm sorry, but I do not have access to real-time information on the exact number of Pakistani students currently studying in Iraq. However, according to the Embassy of Pakistan in Baghdad, as of 2020, there were around 2,000 Pakistani students enrolled in various Iraqi universities. This number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant authorities or organizations in Pakistan or Iraq.

I do not have access to real-time information on the exact number of Pakistani students currently studying in Poland. However, according to the data of the Polish Embassy in Islamabad, as of 2021, there were approximately 1,000 Pakistani students studying in Poland. It is worth noting that this number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant authorities or organizations in Pakistan or Poland.


I'm sorry, but I do not have access to real-time information on the exact number of Pakistani students currently studying in South Africa. However, according to the High Commission of Pakistan in Pretoria, as of 2020, there were approximately 1,200 Pakistani students studying in various universities across South Africa. This number may have changed since then, and for the most up-to-date information, it would be best to contact the relevant auth

Riaz Haq said...

UNESCO stats on Pakistani students abroad

United Arab Emirates 24,863
Australia 11,297
United Kingdom 7,802
United States 7,511
Kyrgyzstan 6,003
Germany 5,837
Malaysia 4,243
Canada 2,607
TĂĽrkiye 2,386
Saudi Arabia 1,635
Korea, Rep. 1,465
Sweden 1,056
Qatar 1,039
Italy 936
Hungary 878
Finland 618
France 502
Norway 435
Bahrain 411
Iran, Islamic Rep. 377
Ukraine 335
Japan 330
Cyprus 318
Oman 293
New Zealand 274
China, Hong Kong 272
Ireland 263
Poland 253
Latvia 234
Spain 192
Estonia 155
Belgium 145
South Africa 138
Thailand 135
Czechia 131
Denmark 130
Austria 127
Georgia 122
Russian Federation 115
Azerbaijan 90
Lithuania 84
Egypt 77
Portugal 71
Switzerland 69
Malta 63
Uzbekistan 56
Romania 51
Kazakhstan 47
Jordan 42
Brazil 39
Bulgaria 34
India 25
Slovenia 25
Belarus 21
Luxembourg 21
Brunei Darussalam 19
Ghana 17
Iceland 17
Botswana 11
Morocco 10
Slovakia 10
Bosnia/Herzegovina 9
Greece 9
Tanzania 8
Viet Nam 5

Riaz Haq said...

15,000 Pakistani Students are Currently Studying in Australia

The envoy shared the willingness to boost the ties further in areas of trade and investment. He apprised the minister that 100,000 strong Pakistan diaspora and 15,000 Pakistani students in Australia are playing an important role in bringing the two countries closer.

Riaz Haq said...

23,450 student visas issued in 2022 for Pakistanis to study in the UK, representing 377% increase over 2019.

The UK approved a record-breaking number of UK student visas on record in its time series. Out of 486,868 sponsored study visas granted (to both main applicants and their dependants), 117,965 went to Indian nationals. This is an increase of 80,569 (+215%) compared to 2019, and slightly more than the 115,056 granted to Chinese nationals — but Pakistani nationals saw a bigger increase in approvals for their UK student visas at 377% compared to India’s 215%.

Following India, Chinese nationals received 115,056 approved UK student visas, 4% lower than the number seen in 2019 (119,825). Almost half of all UK student visas (48%) went to Chinese and Indian nationals.

Nigerian nationals make up the third largest nationality group in the latest year, with a record high of 65,929 approved UK student visas. This is a 686% jump from 2019, marking the largest relative increase in Sponsored Study grants among all nationality groups.

Indian students now see the UK as more appealing after it reintroduced opportunities to remain in the country to work after graduation.

Data from Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is showing an uptick in the number of Indian international students enrolled in British universities in 2020-21.

First-year Indian international students have increased by 27%, from 41,815 in 2019-20 to 53,015 in 2020-21, representing 19% of all non-EU enrolments. While China still leads in terms of student enrolments, their numbers have decreased over the 2020-21 period.
Speaking to Times of India, Indian National Student Association UK president Amit Tiwari said: “Indian students also appreciate the fact that they get a chance to apply experience to their studies due to the post-study work visa. We can only see the trend increasing of Indian students coming to the UK.”

Sanam Arora, founder and chairperson of National Indian Students and Alumni Union UK, said India is the most natural partner for the UK when it comes to education. She added that it is in India’s interest if the UK increased their intake with a compelling offer.

“Post-study work rights are critical to that offer, and the results of that are already being seen in the doubling of numbers from India and I do think this increase will continue. I am excited to see what comes out of the FTA negotiations,” Arora was quoted saying.

Riaz Haq said...

Improving language supports could increase stay rate of international students in Germany

More than a quarter of surveyed students said that language difficulties had been challenging for them, and nearly as many said they had experienced challenges in meeting new friends and in finding accommodation. Feeling socially isolated may be especially pronounced among Indonesian, South Korean, Taiwanese, Pakistani, and Chinese students: more than 50% in those segments said they had felt, at least at one point, the desire to go back to their home country. Among Chinese students, this proportion rose to 70%.


Short on time? Here are the highlights:

A survey of nearly 2,000 international students studying in Germany during the pandemic shows that many would like to remain in the country after graduating to work/immigrate or to progress to another level of study
The most challenging obstacles for these students are language barriers and difficulties in making new friends, suggesting a need for stronger international student supports at German universities

A 2021 Expatrio/DEGIS survey of nearly 2,000 international students who chose to study in Germany during the pandemic found that (1) most were drawn by the country’s no-tuition-fees policy and (2) more than half intended to stay in the country after their studies. That said, language barriers are a concern for many international students in Germany, including those who would like to stay on after graduation.

About the survey
The survey was conducted by Expatrio, a platform designed to support international students in Germany, while DEGIS is an organisation that helps international students to network and adjust to German culture.

Students from roughly 93 countries participated in the survey; most of them were studying for master’s degrees (67%). The survey was a follow-up to one conducted in 2020 and was larger than its predecessor, with 31% more student respondents. Responses were collected from August to October 2021 and reported in “Navigating the Pandemic: International Students’ Relocation to and Life in Germany 2021.”

Why do students choose Germany?
Surveyed students chose Germany primarily because of the country’s no-tuition-fees policy for all students in higher education (45%); employment opportunities were the next-most influential factor (18%), especially for Mexican and Brazilian respondents.

Riaz Haq said...

Nearly 21,000 students from Pakistan as international students return to Australia but not yet at pre-pandemic levels

Short on time? Here are the highlights:

Australia’s international student numbers and overall enrolments were up in 2022, but they have not yet reached their levels before the pandemic in 2019
The Chinese market is not rebounding, and Indian students now account for more commencements (first-time enrolments) than Chinese students do
Driving the Australian international education sector’s recovery are new students from Thailand, Nepal, Colombia, Pakistan, and other emerging markets


Australia’s international education sector is recovering from pandemic losses, but it has not rebounded to pre-pandemic performance yet according to new data from Austrade.

Australian institutions enrolled 619,370 foreign students in 2022. This is up 8% over 2021 but is down 18% since 2019.

Commencements (first-time enrolments in Australian programmes) grew by 39% y-o-y but were 23% lower than in 2019. Fewer new Chinese students depressed commencement volumes: there were 39% fewer Chinese students in 2022 than in 2019. In 2022, India displaced China as the largest source of commencements.

Total course enrolments (as distinct from total international students) nudged upwards by 4% to 746,390 in 2022, but this is 22% lower than in 2019. (Australia provides data on both international students and international enrolments – the second is always a higher number as an international student may enrol in more than one course while on their study visa.)


Offsetting a decline in Chinese enrolments (177,470 in 2022, down 11% y-o-y) and zero momentum from India (128,980, up .03%) were notable enrolment increases from:

Thailand, the 6th largest market, up 61% to 25,792
Nepal, the 3rd largest market, up 21% to 71,805
Colombia, the 4th largest market, up 21% to 28,435
Pakistan, the 9th largest market, up 21% to 20,935

Combined, China and India still contributed half of all international enrolments in Australian institutions in 2022.

Foreshadowing the shape of the sector’s recovery in the years to come are commencement trends. Chinese commencements fell by 8% in 2022 compared with 2021, while Indian commencements increased by 45%, boosting India to the top market for Australia in terms of first-time enrolments in courses. Otherwise, the biggest stories in terms of commencements come from:

Thailand, up 145%
Nepal, up 94%
Pakistan, up 71%
Philippines, up 61%
In 2022, India and China each accounted for roughly 18% of commencements, with Nepal next at 11%.

Riaz Haq said...

From Google Gen Ai:

Studying in Europe offers Pakistani students access to world-renowned institutions, innovative teaching techniques, and multicultural surroundings. In 2019, nearly 10,000 Pakistani students registered in European colleges.
The number of Pakistani students studying abroad has grown steadily over the past decade. In 2020, 64,604 Pakistani students were studying abroad.
Some of the top countries for Pakistani students to study abroad include:
The United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Malaysia, France, Singapore, Sweden.
Some of the top destinations for Pakistani students in Europe include:
The United Kingdom
Pakistani students are required to pass language tests to study abroad. However, some universities offer scholarships that allow students to study in Europe without IELTS.

Riaz Haq said...

Total F1 Visa Approvals/ Issuances by Fiscal Year* at Pakistan Consulates
Below is the total number of F1 Visa issuances/ approvals in Pakistan since fiscal year 2018.

Fiscal Year(FY)* Approvals/ Issuances
FY 2018 1,672
FY 2019 1,593
FY 2020 654
FY 2021 4,111
FY 2022 3,848

F1 Visa Approval and Rejection rates for Consulates/ Embassy in Pakistan
Below is the projected F1 Visa approval and rejection rates across US Consulates/ Embassy in Pakistan by fiscal year. The US Department of State does not release specific data of rejections/ refusals or denials by Country or US Consulate/ Embassy. The approval and rejection rates for F1 Visa and nationality of Pakistan that you see below are derived based on the total number of approvals across all Consulates in Pakistan and the global rejection/ refusal data shared by US Department of State.

Fiscal Year* Approval Rate Rejection Rate#
FY 2018 65.03% 34.97%
FY 2019 74.65% 25.35%
FY 2020 68.84% 31.16%
FY 2021 80.17% 19.83%

F1 Visa Approvals/ Issuances by Month and Year at Consulates/ Embassy in Pakistan
Below is the total number of F1 Visa approvals/ issuances in Pakistan by every month of the year since year 2018. The data by month of the year is a good indicator to understand the seasonality of the demand for certain visa types for your planning. You can use this data to book appointments during less busy time to avoid issues with finding visa slots.

Month Approvals
January 96
February 17
March 30
April 88
May 182
June 312
July 413
August 264
September 20
October 36
November 74
December 142
Month Approvals
January 71
February 18
March 19
April 65
May 195
June 303
July 436
August 203
September 31
October 61
November 161
December 263
Month Approvals
January 112
February 26
March 17
April 3
May 2
June 1
July 1
August 3
September 4
October 375
November 326
December 374
Month Approvals
January 236
February 79
March 131
April 185
May 286
June 832
July 576
August 488
September 223
October 282
November 341
December 443
Month Approvals
January 304
February 121
March 133
April 163
May 390
June 667
July 522
August 374
September 108
October 94
November 0
December 0
F1 Visa Issuances/Approvals by US Consulate/ Embassy
You can click on the below links to explore F1 Visa approvals/ issuances data by US Consulate/ Embassy in Pakistan

Total F1 Visa Approvals/ Issuances by Fiscal Year* for Individuals with Nationality as Pakistan
Below is the total number of F1 Visa approvals/ issuances for individuals with nationality as Pakistan since fiscal year 2018.

Fiscal Year* Approvals/ Issuances
FY 2018 1,964
FY 2019 1,881
FY 2020 790
FY 2021 3,506
FY 2022 3,553

Riaz Haq said...

US records 16% increase in admission of Pakistani students

In the past two years, an overall 33% increase has been noted
A United States Department of State report recorded a 16% increase in the admission of Pakistani students to universities across the country.

The annual Open Doors Report for 2022-23 report, prepared in collaboration with the Institute of International Education (IIE), highlighted a substantial increase in the number of students from Pakistan studying in higher education institutions in the US.

"During 2022-2023, there were 10,164 Pakistani students, compared to 8,772 in the previous year, indicating an impressive 16% increase," the report read.

It also underscores the continued prominence of the US as the top destination for international study in the 2022-2023 academic year. Notably, the data reveals a significant milestone, with the US hosting over one million (1,057,188) international students during this period, marking a remarkable 12% increase from the previous academic year and representing the fastest growth rate in over four decades.


International students in the U.S., by country of origin 2022/23 | Statista

10,164 students from Pakistan studying in America, ranking the country the 16th largest source of international students in the US

Riaz Haq said...

US Visa issuance 2018 to 2023: Non-immigrant visas showed a steady increase from 40,679 in 2018 to 80,852 in 2023, and while Immigrant visas fluctuated, they too increased from 10,114 in 2018 to 16,320 in 2023 – Gallup Pakistan Digital Analytics Report on Immigration and Non Immigration Visas to US from Pakistan,US%20Visa%20issuance%202018%20to%202023%3A%20Non%2Dimmigrant%20visas%20showed,Visas%20to%20US%20from%20Pakistan

Has there been an increase in influx from Pakistan to US between 2018 to 2023?

Non-immigrant visas showed a steady increase from 40,679 in 2018 to 80,852 in 2023. Conversely, immigrant visas fluctuated, with 10,114 in 2018 experiencing a noticeable drop in 2020 with only 3,750 visas issues, most likely due to Covid-19, however, they rebounded by 2023 with 16,320 immigrant visas issued within the year. These numbers reflect the dynamic nature of travel and immigration patterns over the past few years.


There was a fluctuating trend of non-immigration US visas issued for Pakistanis in 2023, with peaks in October (9,565) and December (7,483), and low points in July (4,795) and April (5,723), highlighting potential seasonal patterns or shifts in travel behaviour.
Across categories: “Business & pleasure” lead with 85.11% of the visas issued, followed by “Student” making up 3.67% of the visas issued, while “Temporary Workers” only made up 1.33% of the total Non-Immigration US Visas issued in 2023.
Immigrant US visa issuance for Pakistanis fluctuated month-to-month, reflecting varying demand.
Across categories: “Special immigrants” lead with 46.65%, closely followed by “Immediate relatives of US citizens” at 32.22%, while “Employment based” visas only made up 1.41% of the Immigrant US Visas issued in 2023, indicating a lesser reliance in work-related sponsorship.
Non-immigrant visa issuance showed a steady increase from 40,679 in 2018 to 80,852 in 2023.
Immigrant visa issuances fluctuated, with 10,114 visas issued in 2018, experiencing a noticeable drop in 2020 with only 3,750 visas issues, most likely due to Covid-19, however, they rebounded by 2023 with 16,320 immigrant visas issued within the year. These numbers reflect the dynamic nature of travel and immigration patterns over the past few years.
Examining the Non-Immigrant Visa issuances in Pakistan, Islamabad Consulate led with 52.2%, while the Karachi Consulate followed with 47.8%.

Riaz Haq said...


Pakistan is a significant exporter of international students globally. According to UNESCO statistics, the number of outbound Pakistani degree-seeking students grew by 70 percent over the last decade, from 31,156 in 2007 to 53,023 in 2017. While that number is dwarfed by the more than 330,000 degree-seeking students from neighboring India, consider that Pakistan’s outbound mobility ratio—the percentage of international students among all students—is almost three time as high (2.7 percent in 2017) as that of India (1 percent). This means that it’s far more common for Pakistani students to study abroad and broaden their academic horizons in another country than it is for Indian students.

Further increases in student outflows from Pakistan are expected in the years ahead. The British Council, for instance, expects Pakistan to be among the top 10 growth countries worldwide until 2027, despite an overall cooling of international student mobility on a global scale. For one, the precarious economic conditions and employment prospects in Pakistan are a major push factor for both international students and the hundreds of thousands of labor migrants leaving Pakistan each year. Studying abroad can open immigration pathways in countries like Australia or Canada, while a foreign degree gives those that return a competitive edge on the Pakistani labor market.

Another important driver is the lack of university seats and high-quality study programs in Pakistan, particularly at the graduate level. While Pakistan has created a tremendous amount of new doctoral programs over the past decade, growing numbers of Pakistani scholars are heading abroad to access higher quality education, primarily in fields like engineering and the sciences. To modernize research in Pakistan and raise the qualifications profile of university faculty, the government supports this development with scholarship programs of considerable scale, considering Pakistan’s fiscal constraints. While most Pakistani students are said to be self-funded, overseas scholarship programs have helped thousands of graduate students to pursue studies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Cuba, Germany, France, and various other countries in recent years. Scholarship recipients are often required to return home after graduation.

The traditional English-speaking international study destinations, Australia and the U.S., are currently the top choices among Pakistani degree-seeking students, as per UNESCO statistics. Datapublished by the Australian government show that the number of Pakistani students grew almost threefold over the past decade, from 3,512 in 2008 to 10,000 in 2019, making Pakistan one of the top 10 sending countries of tertiary students in Australia.

In the U.S., likewise, Pakistani enrollments have generally been on an upward trajectory over the past few years. According to the Open Doors data of the Institute of International Education, Pakistan sent 7,957 students to the U.S. in 2018/19, an increase of 5.6 percent over the previous year, making it the 22nd most important sending country. Around 44 percent of these students are enrolled in undergraduate programs, 35 percent in graduate programs, and 4 percent in non-degree programs, while 17 percent pursue Optional Practical Training.

Other popular destination countries include the U.K. and the Muslim-majority countries Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, the latter also being a magnet for labor migrants from Pakistan. It should be noted, however, that China has emerged as a significant destination as well. China may, in fact, now host the largest number of Pakistani international students worldwide. While UNESCO does not report data for China, and Chinese government figures are difficult to compare,1 Pakistan is currently the third-largest sending country to China with 28,000 students, per Chinese statistics.