Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Pakistan Launches NUTech to Prepare 21st Century Workforce

As technology begins to permeate every aspect of life in Pakistan, the country needs a balanced mix of highly skilled workers, technicians, mechanics, technologists, engineers, researchers and development scientists to meet the challenge.  Recent launch of National University of Technology (NUTech) is part of Pakistan government's response to this challenge.

21st Century Workforce:

Pakistan's economy is rapidly transforming from traditional agriculture to modern business and industry.  Accelerating penetration of smartphones, personal computers, flat screens, mobile broadband, indoor plumbing, motorized vehicles, home appliances, air-conditioners, tractors, tube-wells, advanced construction machines and  solar and other technology-based products and services requires a highly skilled workforce to design, manufacture, market, sell, operate and service.

Building this new highly skilled work force must begin with designing curricula and facilities. It also demands a new crop of trainers and educators and closer collaboration between academia and industry.

National University of Technology (NUTech) Campus in Islamanad

NUTech Launch:

National University of Technology (NUTech) has just been launched as a federally chartered institution of higher learning.  It is enrolling students now for its first academic semester starting in September 2018.

NUTech will not only produce hands-on engineers and scientists but it will also serve as an umbrella organization for training skilled technicians and tradespeople to build, service and maintain advanced technology-based plant and equipment.

NUTech will work with a national network of technical and vocational training institutes to produce skilled workers.  It will include representatives of business and industry in design of curricula to ensure these workers meet the needs of the industry.

Specialized Institutions:

Pakistan Air Force's Air University, established in 2002, is an example of a specialized institution aimed at developing human capital in the aviation sector.

Development of a new advanced fighter is a wide-ranging effort that will encompass building human capital in a variety of fields including material science, physics, electronics, computer science, computer software, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, avionics, weapons design, etc.

Air University has added a new campus in Kamra Aviation City. The university already offers bachelor's master's and doctoral degrees in several subjects. Pakistan Air Force Chief Sohail Aman told Quwa Defense News that the campus will “provide the desired impetus for cutting-edge indigenization programs, strengthen the local industry and harness the demands of foreign aviation industry by reducing … imports and promoting joint research and production ventures.”

Higher Education in Pakistan:

There are over 3 million students enrolled in grades 13 through 16 in Pakistan's 1,086 degree colleges and 161 universities, according to Pakistan Higher Education Commission report for 2013-14.  The 3 million enrollment is 15% of the 20 million Pakistanis in the eligible age group of 18-24 years.  In addition, there are over 255,000 Pakistanis enrolled in vocational training schools, according to Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA).

Graduation Day at NED Engineering University For 1300 Graduates in 2013
Pakistani universities have been producing over half a million graduates, including over 10,000 IT graduates, every year since 2010, according to HEC data. The number of university graduates in Pakistan increased from 380,773 in 2005-6 to 493,993 in 2008-09. This figure is growing with rising enrollment and contributing to Pakistan's growing human capital.

Source: UNESCO's Global Education Digest 2009

Higher education in Pakistan has come a long way since its independence in 1947 when there was only one university, the University of Punjab. By 1997, the number of universities had risen to 35, of which 3 were federally administered and 22 were under the provincial governments, with a combined enrollment of 71,819 students. A big spending boost by President Pervez Musharraf helped establish 51 new universities and awarding institutions during 2002-2008. This helped triple university enrollment from 135,000 in 2003 to about 400,000 in 2008, according to Dr. Ata ur Rehman who led the charge for expanding higher education during Musharraf years. There are 161 universities with 1.5 million students enrolled in Pakistan as of 2014.

Former Chairman of HEC summed up the country's higher education progress well in a piece he wrote for The News in 2012: "Pakistan has achieved critical mass and reached a point of take-off. For this phenomenal growth to continue, it is important for the government and other stakeholders to support and further strengthen the HEC as a national institution and protect its autonomy. If this momentum continues for another 10 years, Pakistan is certain to become a global player through a flourishing knowledge economy and a highly literate population".

Here's an introductory video about National University of Technology (NUTech) Pakistan:


Related Links:

Haq's Musings

10 Pakistan Universities Among Top 300 in Asia

Pakistan's Growing Human Capital

History of Literacy in Pakistan

Education Attainment in South Asia

Dr. Ata ur Rehman Defends HEC Reforms

Biotech and Genomics in Pakistan

Business Education in Pakistan

Armed Drones Outrage and Inspire Young Pakistanis


nayyer ali said...

This is more good news on the education front. While there has been good progress overall, getting to 100% primary school enrollment and completion of a minimum of 5 years of education is still not a reality. Quality of education remains uneven, and we need to continue upgrading quality at primary, secondary, and university levels. The spread of smart phones and the increasingly sophisticated economy makes basic literacy even more important. Pakistan is rich enough to educate everyone, it just needs the political will to do it. Investments in education more than pay for themselves in higher economic growth.

Z Basha Jr said...

We must take a leaf out of the Chinese Peacock initiative in Shenzhen to attract its bright PhDs to come back and work in China. Last I heard from a Chinese friend, they are offering close to 300K USD over five years as no-questions-asked housing grant. We must have something similar to attract Pakistani talent back home.

Riaz Haq said...

India’s north-south fissures deepen over national budgeting
Southerners feel penalised for progress as the political agenda is set by the north

These fissures are being laid bare in a fierce debate over the allocation of public resources to states, in a once-in-every-five years budgeting exercise. They are likely to intensify over the next decade when India redraws its parliamentary map. For decades, New Delhi has allocated funds and parliament seats based on states’ population data from the 1971 census, before the mixed results of its family planning drive sent them on radically different demographic trajectories.

But Narendra Modi’s government, whose core support lies in the Hindi heartland, has decided the 2011 census should be used as the basis for resource allocation over the next five years. This process and parliamentary redistricting due by 2026 are likely to see affluent southern states lose out financially and politically, due to their diminishing demographic weight after years of promoting small families. Money and parliamentary seats will be diverted to the more populous north. Southerners are up in arms.

“This is something being done by the northerners for the northerners,” says Krishnamurthy Subramanian, a finance professor at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad. “There is a sense of unfairness. Why are we being penalised for doing good things?” He adds: “Northern states will end up benefiting from their profligacy.”

Tension over resource transfers — both within and between nations — are a growing cause of global friction. They have an extra edge in India, where a population as ethnically and linguistically diverse as Europe’s coexists in a single state.

India’s north undoubtedly faces severe challenges. But if redistribution is not perceived as fair, it may unleash dangerous resentment. And tackling northern India’s problems will take more than money. There are lessons to be learnt from Hyderabad’s success: if you lay a strong foundation, investors and prosperity will come.


Riaz Haq said...

Austria, Pakistan plan joint venture educational institute


During a meeting with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Chairman Dr Tariq Banuri, Austrian Ambassador to Pakistan Dr Brigitta Blaha announced that there was a joint venture in the works between the higher education sectors of two countries called Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences & Technology (PAF-IAST).

The institute is being established in University of Haripur in collaboration with several Austrian institutions. She explained that Institute has dual objectives; creating a high quality technical education infrastructure at a tertiary level and creating high technology industry.

During the meeting HEC Chairman Dr Banuri, stressed the need for international collaboration in the education sector. He emphasised on its role as a stepping stone toward economic stability and social development.

The chairman welcomed the ambassador and placing importance on international partnerships he added that several Pakistani Higher Education Institutions have an encouraging history of academic collaboration with the Austrian education sector and assured that the HEC would continue to create opportunities for beneficial academic collaboration between the two countries.

Dr Brigitta Blaha assured that her office will extend its cooperation in strengthening academic and research linkages between the two countries. According to Dr Blaha, currently 41 Pakistani students are pursuing PhD degree in Austrian institutions. She emphasised on the critical need for enhancing this number.

Their meeting took place on June 21, 2018. HEC Executive Director Prof Dr Arshad Ali also joined the meeting.

Dr Banuri expressed his opinion that the improvement of Pakistani higher education sector over a short span of 15 years under the umbrella of HEC has become a possibility through the help and support of the Government of Pakistan.

He also highlighted that Pakistan Vision 2025 has added new reforms for the higher education sector.

Dr Banuri voiced his commitment to adopting a wholesome approach for advancement in all areas of the higher education sector including human resource development, promotion of basic and applied research, establishing university-industry linkage, encouraging entrepreneurial culture, quality education, physical and technology infrastructure development and international collaboration.

Riaz Haq said...

#PTI's 14-Point for #Digital #Pakistan. #Elections2018 #ImranKhan https://www.techjuice.pk/pti-unveils-digital-policy-naya-pakistan/ PTI’s 14 Points for Digital Pakistan:
$2 billion set aside for National digital transformations & provision of different services to citizens through mobile.
Using technology to open government data to increase transparency
IT education of 50,000 students
Establishment of 120 new campuses to produce 100,000 technology graduates/year
Mathematics and Science teacher training and certification program
Five new major technology clusters (Special Economic Zones)
A focus will be on creating enabling environment for start-ups and entrepreneurs.
50,000 call center seats available on a turn-key basis
One window operation to register a new company
A global PR campaign involving expat community
Visa issuance on green passport for Businessmen and professionals
Simplification of processes for foreign ownership of companies
Public-Private Partnership on projects
Target will be set to increase the global ranking of Pakistan in ease of doing business

Riaz Haq said...

First-ever fee-free university to open in Pakistan next month


The world’s first fee-free university will be operational next month in Pakistan with 600 students enrolled for three different master degrees.

Dr Mohammed Amjad Saqib, executive director of a micro-finance firm offering interest-free loans (Qarz-e-Hasna) in Pakistan, told Khaleej Times that the institute will be opened in Kasur district, near Lahore, on August 14, 2018.

“We are establishing the first fee-free university in Pakistan where students will not have to pay any fee. This is some kind of long-term Qarz-e-Hasan. First you get education and pay after 5, 10 or 20 years, when you are able to return it; because remember that you got education but didn’t pay for it; but now when you have a job you can pay so that somebody else can also benefit,” he said.

Dr Amjad Saqib added that “education is ultimate solution of our problems. We can’t progress and compete with international community unless we are ahead in education. But it is a pity that a boy coming from a poor family may be able to complete 10-year education but can’t receive higher education. We are not doing justice with our talent”.

He pointed out that this residential university will be a national institute where 20 per cent of students will come from each province of Pakistan.

To get entry into the college, a student must obtain 75 per cent marks in matriculation examination followed by an examination conducted at the college.

Mustafa said...

Yes it is great new vision developed by yours truly 🙂 I presented this first to Gen Kyani and he secured the initial funding of 2billion to launch it but then due to war against terror it was delayed. I again had the opportunity to present this to Gen Raheel who also endorsed it but war against terror consumed all his time and focus. Finally now it is being launched successfully. UNESCO Pakistan chapter also published my concept paper on NUTECH with actual reference model success of the model at the Rawat campus which is listed here in the presentation as one of the constituent campus of NUTECH🙂 I was also the founding executive director of Rawat campus in Islamabad 🙂 This concept will revolutionize technical education scope and acceptance in Pakistan IA

Riaz Haq said...

Mustafa: "Yes it is great new vision developed by yours truly"

Really! That’s a great contribution to Pakistan’s future!! Thank you!!!

Suhail said...

There is a difference between technical diploma and vocational training. Diploma course spread over 3 years is more comprehensive more like an associates diploma from USA community colleges. Vocational training is more specific on skill development in a narrow focus area.... like learning to be a mason or electrician or plumber to meet the need for skilled maintenance and repair requirements in construction and home service! Currently the NAVTTC vocational training program consist of 6 months trg plus 2 months of on the job apprenticeship. It is working well depending on the quality of trg institutes. Duration and content of trg is obsolete in some cases but in many cases is market relevant with good job placement results post training!

Technology has to be harnessed for education. For vocation also it can b used if v get out of belief and thinking in 6 months u can b a skilled technologist. In Pak Swiss in Karachi it is a 3 year diploma. This is what is needed. No short cuts. That is the way in developed countries.

Hunar, Amantech, karigar, etc r all giving 6 months training.

Hunar is one year program using City & Gild of UK course. This is a hands on program and not theory alone. For example in plumbing and welding students cut and burn real raw material. The graduates of Hunar are offered jobs even before they get their certification from City & Gild.

Riaz Haq said...

Space Summer School Concluded At Institute Of Space Technology (IST)
Sumaira FH 4 hours ago Mon 30th July 2018 | 03:53 PM


ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Jul, 2018 ) :Space Summer school (SSS) organized with the participation of over 100 students of 60 schools and colleges of the country concluded here on Monday at Institute of Space Technology (IST).

The two-week activity based learning covered more than 50 interactive sessions in 10 exploration tracks for students in two levels as abecedarian and virtuoso.

It had a canvas of space themed activities, interactive lectures, hands on workshops, space career counselling, Dr. Abdus Salam space contest, space creative writing, space creative arts, space Spellathon, webinars and seminars, said a news release issued here.

Dr. Najam Abbas, Director Student Affairs and Programme Head SSS greeted the participants at the concluding session and appraised the accomplishments of Space Summer School under the initiative of Space Technology Education and Popularization (STEP).

The chief guest of the ceremony, Dr. Khurram Iqbal commended the initiative of Institute of Space Technology for creating cognizance about space technology among the youth and educating students about the benefits of space technology.

Dr. Khurram appreciated the efforts of IST for Space Technology education and popularization.

Space Summer School covered ten themes namely the Earth, Atmosphere, Aviation, Rocketry, Satellite Technology, Space Travel, Space for Life, Space Agencies, Astronomy and Astrophysics and space agencies.

It hosted two special webinars with Dr. Aquib Moin from UAE Space Agency�about UAE Mars Mission�and Dr. Nozair Khawaja from Germany�on Astrobiology.�IST also conducted the Dr. Abdus Salam Space Contest on the last day of space summer school in order to gauge the level of space learning of students.

Awards were given to the winners of Space Spellathon, Space creative writing, Space Arts, water rocket, aero modeling and drag parachute competitions. Space Summer School participants were also provided an opportunity to explore Planetarium, Aircraft Technology, CanSat Satellite development, water rocket & Quad- copter Design and Fabrication along with Astrolabe and Telescopy.

Riaz Haq said...

HEC #Technology Development Fund (TDF) to stop brain drain from #Pakistan https://www.researchsnipers.com/hec-technology-development-fund-tdf-to-stop-brain-drain-from-pakistan/ … via @researchsnipers

The higher education commission has taken an initiative HEC Technology Development Fund (TDF) has been launched to enhance research-based industrial development in order to provide skillful jobs to skilled people which would help to stop the brain drain from Pakistan.

The project started by HEC would eliminate the local problems by new product development, technology transfer, successful commercialization and process optimization, said by an official HEC on Sunday.

The HEC official told APP, that it is an initiative parallel to vision 2025 Pakistan, focusing on industrial development in order to construct knowledge economy through technology transfer.

The project will accommodate academics as well as industry professionals for patent filing, prototype development, product development, and marketing and licensing of new products, the project has received strong response and acceptance from industry professionals and academics throughout Pakistan, he said.

The official shared some details of awarded projects and said these projects are of interdisciplinary nature, however, it has engaged 25 different sectors in Pakistan including agriculture sciences, Nanotechnology, IT and allied sector, renewable energy, drug discovery, Industries symbiosis, applied engineering, mining and natural sciences.

With the help of all stakeholders’ support, the programme proves to be an effort which is meaningful for academia and industry linkage to commercialize the advanced technologies developed by strengthening the culture of research at Pakistani universities, he added.

According to the official, financial support of Rs14 million is available for extending commercialization of approved research. Further, the five years Public Sector Development Program (PSDP), approved project of approx. Rs3 billion could be taken further to form a joint venture of academia and industry to initiate industrial scale product development and its commercialization, he said.

HEC announces an indigenous scholarship program for Ph.D. 2018-19

Under this programme, 126 proposal/projects have been funded through the first two phases of development covering all the regions of Pakistan, the deadline of third phase proposals is until August 30.

TDF programme becomes the trademark which makes HEC win the trust of industrial sector which is not only partnering but also providing financial support, and research support for successful commercialization, he boasted.

TDF has called upon various industries to participate in the programme in order to leverage its potential that could add value to their products and services, the companies and industries already partnered with academia are Engro, Fauji group of companies, Sazgar engineering, Qarshi industries, SUZU, TCS, Shezan, Starco fans, Metro Habib Cash and Carry, Shakarganj, Pioneer cement, Shafi ResoChem, Saffron, Shama Ghee, and Season Foods.

Apart from private companies and business sector, national defense sector organizations including PAF Kamra, HMC, Heavy Electrical Complex, PAEC, NESCOM are partnered in order to meet national security needs.

Riaz Haq said...

Mutant Varieties Satisfy Market and add USD 6 Billion to Pakistan’s Economy


When Pakistani farmers harvested fields planted with a new mutant variety of cotton, not only did they have a higher yield, they also received a higher price at the market because of the improved fibre quality. Farmers who adopted mutant varieties of sesame released in 2016 saw yields double and income increase, and now these new varieties cover 50 percent of the area planted to sesame in the entire country. Those who planted a mutant variety of castor bean released in 2017, bred for early maturity and high oil content, have already planted it on 2 000 ha and are making an extra USD 618 per ha. These are just a few of dozens of advances made possible by Pakistan’s Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) which, with the support of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, has used mutation breeding to improve varieties of eight different crops – benefitting millions of Pakistani farmers and their families, and adding billions to the Pakistan economy.

Across the millennia, those entrusted with saving seeds for planting in future seasons have always made decisions related to the environment, choosing seeds from varieties that will give them the best chance of a good harvest. Even as science has advanced the field from simply saving seeds to cross breeding and now to mutation breeding, the crucial role of the plant breeder has remained largely unchanged – developing varieties that can thrive in whatever the local environment has to offer and be resilient enough to adapt to change. Since 1969, Pakistan’s Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), an institute of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, has overseen the development of 43 mutant crop varieties, ranging from sesame seed to castor bean to mandarin to cotton – all bred in response to what Pakistan’s farmers and their consumers need.

The government of Pakistan recognizes the importance of breeding crop varieties specifically for the Pakistan situation – its terrain, its climate, the needs and capacities of its farmers and, of course, when it comes to food crops, the taste and texture that will appeal to consumers. This government support of the NIAB mutant breeding programme has paid back in terms of increased yields and higher quality products, which have not only contributed to farmers’ livelihoods, it has meant more food for the marketplace and improved food security. Two sesame varieties released in 2016 and 2017 have double the yield of traditional varieties and are more suitable for modern cultivation techniques. The mutant mandarin variety, NIAB Kinnow, released in 2017, has an increased yield of more than 30 percent and reduced seed count from around 50 to just 3-5 seeds per fruit, which makes it more valuable and popular for export.

NIAB has received support from the Joint Division for more than 30 years, including equipment and technology packages for mutation breeding, individual staff trainingthrough fellowships, and national and regional training courses. The mutation breeding process calls for irradiating and then planting crop seeds, and then screening them as they grow in the following generations to see which induced changes that emerge could be helpful for breeding in future generations – from aesthetics of colour and texture to physiological changes that account for traits such as heat or cold tolerance, resilience or length of the growing period.

Riaz Haq said...

Hospitality Management Training Program


Hospitality Management Training Program (HMTP) is one of the flagship programs of HF focused to impart knowledge and skills to young men and women giving them opportunities to learn & practice the skills required for the hospitality industry in Pakistan and abroad. HMTP was initiated in 1999 by introducing practical training in Marriott and Pearl Continental Hotels across Pakistan. HMTP has been expanded to Peshawar and Karachi. The qualification under this program offers food preparation, Culinary Art, Front Office, Reception, Operational Services, Food & Beverage Services and Accommodation Operations and Services. Other Technical and Vocational trainings include beautician, tailoring and professional skills training.

Following international vocational qualifications (basic to advanced diploma level) are being offered under this program:

Food Preparation and Culinary Art
Front Office and Reception Operation Services
Food & Beverage Services
Accommodation Operations and Services
HF trained over 5,000 youth since last few years, the program is facilitating youth with various International Vocational Qualifications (IVQs) curriculum/content, approved by City & Guilds UK and National Training Bureau, Islamabad.

Riaz Haq said...

China Focus: China, Pakistan cooperate to cultivate technical talents


After the conclusion of the First Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing in 2017, a delegation of Pakistan's largest province Punjab headed to Tianjin and signed an agreement with the coastal municipality to cooperate on vocational education.

In July 2018, Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College and Punjab's Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority co-founded the Pakistan Luban Workshop in Punjab. The workshop offers courses such as new energy vehicles and electromechanical integration technology.

Ali (Arqam, 19) was among the first batch of students recruited by the workshop. "The learning process is so much fun, just like playing toys," he said, adding he was impressed by the advanced training facilities of the workshop.

Apart from the workshop in Pakistan, eight Luban Workshops have been set up in Asia, Africa and Europe since 2016, training more than 4,000 students and about 600 teachers.

"The workshop doesn't teach local students directly but trains local teachers at first. This is a bridge connecting China's vocational education with the world," said Lyu Jingquan, deputy director of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission.

In addition, the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT) featuring vocational education was established in 2018, by three Tianjin universities and a vocational education training organization of Punjab. With nearly 500 students, PTUT offers seven specialties including mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, electrical engineering, electric engineering, fashion design and architecture.

"The students show great interest in our courses and are able to quickly acclimate to the new teaching methods," said Zhao Wei, a teacher from Tianjin University of Technology and Education, who's now teaching at PTUT.


Of the nearly 200 million people in Pakistan, people aged between 16 and 30 accounts for about 60 percent of the entire population.

"We have a large number of young people, who need to be trained to master a skill, which could help them secure a job," said Muhammad Asif, the academic dean with PTUT.

Asif believed that professional and technical personnel have played an important role in China's economic development and helped China achieve great prosperity. The government of Punjab hopes to promote vocational education, cultivate highly skilled labor force, and increase youth employment, by learning from China's experience.

"Punjab attempts to improve employment through enhancing vocational education, while we also want to foster more talents for both Pakistani and Chinese enterprises along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)," said Liu Xin, president of Tianjin University of Technology and Education.

Pakistan hopes to learn from China's experience of vocational education development to stimulate the development of the CPEC, according to Syed Javed Hassan, Chairman of Pakistan National Vocational and Technical Training Commission.

After over five years of construction, CPEC has yielded fruitful achievements, creating more than 75,000 jobs for Pakistan.

Aside from vocational education cooperation, China and Pakistan have a wider range of cooperation in education.

Statistics showed around 2,500 students from Pakistan went to study in China in 2017, and the number of Pakistani students in China stands at 22,000 as of May 2019.

Riaz Haq said...

#Technical and #Vocational #Education and #Training (TVET) institutes in #Pakistan to meet demand of skilled workforce for #CPEC projects. #Bahawalpur, #Jehlum, #Mansehra, Dera Ismail Khan, #Gwadar, Lasbela, #Larkana, #Hyderabad, #Giglit, #Mirpur. https://www.app.com.pk/tvet-institutes-to-meet-demand-of-skilled-workforce-for-cpec-projects/

The government is planning to upgrade and enhance capacity of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes across the country by transferring state of the art Chinese technology to meet China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) skilled workforce required for its second phase.

The US $ 68million worth of project is to be implemented with the Chinese support under its socio-economic development programme for Pakistan, according to official documents available with APP.

Pakistan earnestly needs such projects to improve skilled labour productivity as the country falls behind other neigbouring countries in this area, the document revealed.
The cities in which the TVET institutes are planned to be upgraded include Bahawalpur, Jehlum, Mansehra, Dera Ismail Khan, Gwadar, Lasbela, Larkana, Hyderabad, Giglit, and Mirpur.

Under the project, the institutes would be equipped with modern apparatus and smart laboratories, besides advanced level 5 of curricula would also be adopted in the institutes.

Similarly the local institutes would be affiliated with the best Chinese TVET training institutes and student and trainers exchange and capacity building programme would also be launched under the project.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan National #Vocational and #Technical #Training Commission (NAVTTC) to launch joint degree programs with #Australia, #Germany & #UK. 15,000 youth to be trained by NAVTCC under Prime Minister's Hunarmand Pakistan program. #education #skills https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/600786-navttc-to-launch-joint-degree-programmes-with-west

The National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) is going to start joint degree programmes in collaboration with Australia, Germany and United Kingdom, said NAVTTC Executive Director Dr Nasir Khan.

"Almost 30 per cent quota has been reserved for women, while other women can join NAVTTC initiatives on merit," Dr Nasir told reporters here.

He said a total of one hundred and seventy thousand youth will get training by National Vocational and Technical Training Commission under Prime Minister's Hunarmand Pakistan programme.

The NAVTTC ED said a total of one hundred and seventy thousand youth will get training by National Vocational and Technical Training Commission under Prime Minister's Hunarmand Pakistan programme.

He said the main purpose of the programme was to enhance the skills and knowledge of internees in public and private sectors. Dr Nasir said leading private firms and development sector firms, federal, provincial and local government institutions including educational institutions would offer training under the scheme.

He said under the programme, youth would be trained in the latest technologies according to the demand of the industry.

The NAVTTC ED said the courses would comprise three and six month training and candidates of all educational levels can benefit from this initiative.

He said the courses will be started at 558 centres across the country and that the skill development training will be provided in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Computing, Information Technology and traditional programmes.

Dr Nasir said 600,000 trained youth were on the data bank of NAVTTC and the data was provided to the ministries and departments concerned for employment within the country and abroad.

Riaz Haq said...

#Pakistan, #China universities sign agreement on #textile cooperation between National Textile University (NTU) Pakistan and #Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES) of China| Associated Press Of Pakistan

An agreement on textile cooperation was jointly signed by National Textile University (NTU), Pakistan and Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES), China last week.
According to SUES, NTU is the very first Pakistani partner for SUES, and the move is of great significance when it comes to the educational exchanges and cooperation between universities of South Asian countries involved into China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China Economic Net reported on Friday.
Xia Jianguo, the President of SUES, noted that the signing ceremony was SUES’s first move of international cooperation ever since the COVID-19 outbreak. The iron-clad friendship between China and Pakistan has laid a solid foundation for the cooperation and exchanges between both universities.
President Xia spoke highly of the competences and characteristics of research and talent training in NTU regarding textile. Over the years, SUES has conducted a wide range of international exchanges and cooperation with overseas universities and enterprises, he mentioned, adding that he firmly believed the cooperation would provide both with more opportunities for common development.
Prof Dr. Tanveer Hussain, the Rector of NTU, expressed his heartfelt thanks to SUES for the arrangement and preparation for the video signing ceremony.
He said NTU has been the premier institute of textile education in Pakistan, meeting the technical and managerial human resource needs of almost the entire textile industry of Pakistan ever since its inception.
What is more, he expressed full confidence and keen expectation for a long-term cooperation between the two universities in multiple levels and fields.
The signing ceremony was held in video form. Directors from SUES’s Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and the Institute of Textile and Garment were present.

Riaz Haq said...

China to provide $4m equipment for #vocational training institutes in #Pakistan for socio-economic uplift. Vocational training will support development of skilled #labor force for low cost #housing, #agriculture, #COVID mitigation, pest control, etc. https://nation.com.pk/09-Jul-2020/china-to-provide-dollar-4m-equipment-for-vocational-training-institutes

China would provide training equipment worth $4 million (approximately 650 million rupees) for the vocational training institutes/ schools around Pakistan through National Vocational and Technical Training Commission.

The signing ceremony for Letter of Exchange for provision of ‘Vocational School Equipment and Material’ was held at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Yao Jing, Ambassador of People’s Republic of China to Pakistan, and Dr. Wang Zhihua, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of China in Pakistan attended the ceremony and from Pakistan side Noor Ahmed, Federal Secretary of Economic Affairs Division, signed the LOE.

The ambassador reassured cooperation by government of China for socio-economic development in Pakistan. A number of projects under social welfare of the poor and vulnerable people are already under progress like cooperation in PM’s Low Cost Housing Scheme and boosting rural economy through agricultural support. Government of China has also supported Pakistan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Pesticide and equipment has been provided to control the locust spread in the southern parts of the country. The ambassador also appreciated the continuity of CPEC projects particularly establishment of export-based industry in Special Economic Zones under SEZs despite challenging conditions globally due to pandemic.

Secretary Economic Affairs reiterated strong commitment towards further strengthening and expanding of bilateral economic cooperation between China and Pakistan. Both sides agreed that all the ongoing initiatives will be pursued very closely to achieve the targeted completion so that people of Pakistan can benefit from the Chinese assistance in a more productive manner.

Riaz Haq said...

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government’s flagship project, Pak-Austria Fachhochschule University completed in Haripur


Pak-Austria Fachhochschule University, Haripur will offer specialised courses like artificial intelligence, railway engineering, mineral resource engineering and agriculture food technologies and others. It is pertinent to note that construction work on university was launched by the current government last year.

PAF-IAST said,” PAF-IAST is nestled in natural mountains that flank its campus from all sides, offering one even the ravishing view of snow-capped peaks of Nathiagali and natural winding trails. To its north-west is Tarbela Lake, a journey of only a few kilometers from the campus.”

“Set in middle of the campus is natural lake, fed by the springs of surrounding mountains. The campus is just a 3-kilometer drive from the Hazara Motorway,” PAF-IAST said.

The major cities like Islamabad and Abbottabad, are just an hour’s drive, while small towns like Wah, Hasanabadal, Taxila and Swabi can be reached in just half an hour from the campus.

PAF-IAST said the university wanted to contribute to the development of sound industrial economy in Pakistan and to strive and achieve the goals of effective higher education in engineering, science, and technology.


Skilling Pakistan
A Vision for the National Skills Strategy, 2008-12” seeks to achieve three main objectives in the context of defining technical education at policy level: 1) providing relevant skills for industrial and economic development; 2) improving access, equity and employability; 3) assuring high standards in skills development. These objectives are consistent with the policy of government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa towards poverty alleviation through skill training and human resource development. Underpinning these prime objectives is our prime focus on meeting workforce demands in key growth sectors such as industry, IT, information and communication technologies, medical technologies, electrical and mechanical as well as mineral resource development, extractive metallurgy and construction fields.

Riaz Haq said...

An analysis of IT software and service exports from India

Manzoor Hassan Malik, Nirmala Velan
International Trade, Politics and Development


India is not an exception. The tremendous success of the IT sector after economic reforms, particularly in software and service exports, has influenced economic growth of the Indian economy. The importance of IT software and services has been increasing since the last decade, as reflected by its mounting shares in various macroeconomic parameters, like national income, total exports, employment and foreign exchange of the country. An abundant supply of labour force acts as a comparative advantage of the Indian software and services industry. Investments in the education industry in the form of Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs), Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) and engineering colleges over the years have significantly contributed to the growth of software and service industry. The country's abundant IT professionals have been absorbed by the software and services export sector, thus enjoying some sort of monopoly in supplying desired labour (Arora and Athreye, 2002). The benefit of the International Standard Organization (ISO) certification is also significant because it acts as a quality signal to potential customers. This certification has enabled to enjoy the firm’s enhanced income through higher level of price per unit of output besides increasing the quality of output (Arora and Asundi, 1999). Large changes in the locational division of labour brought more jobs to India. The real benefit to the industry comes through exports carried out on-site, which do not involve costs of hardware or software technology for the Indian firms.
Indian IT industry has recorded exceptional growth rate, particularly after the period of liberalization. It accomplished 51% compound annual growth rate, with it being the only nation to have this rate of growth during the period 1990 to 2002. The domestic software industry growth rate was even higher than that of the global industry (Kumar 2001). However, the IT industry witnessed a falling growth amid a worldwide change in innovation and business models since 2014. Its software and services exports are experiencing a skewed nature of slowdown in growth, essentially due to the reliance on North American and European markets. Furthermore, other developing nations, like China, Malaysia and the Philippines, are also entering into the world software market in meeting the global demands of software and services of the advanced nations by overcoming their earlier hurdles. Now, an important question that arises is how to deal with the global strategic paradigm shifts [1]. Answering this question requires an assessment of the direction and magnitude of the potential factors responsible for software and service exports. This article attempts to investigate the factors that influence software and service exports from India both positively and negatively. Such a study is important to understand in depth the impact of each determinant on software and service export, for formulation of policy measures for sustainability and competitiveness of the Indian IT industry.

Riaz Haq said...

Pakistan produces 20,000 IT graduates, engineers annually, says minister


LAHORE:Provincial Minister for Industries and Trade Mian Aslam Iqbal Friday said that government was moving towards right direction by adopting more business friendly policies.Addressing Lift Pakistan 2019 conference hosted by a business group here in a hotel, the minister said the government was fully committed to serve and facilitate its business community.He said Pakistan was ranked at number 4 for free lance development in the world and IT exports increased 70 percent during the last three years. Pakistan has more than 2,000 IT companies and call centres, and 300,000 English speaking IT professionals and 20,000 IT graduates and engineers being produced annually.At present, around 52 incubation and acceleration programmes exist in the country from each of which 7-15 startups are graduating every year. In addition to incubators and accelerators, the start-up of echo system has been strengthened by co-working spaces, business process outsourcing services, 11 fellowship programmes growing scale of angel investment and the launch of local chapter of global initiatives, he said.The minister appreciated the organisers for collaborative efforts in organising an excellent platform to bring together the creative young mind professionals, academicians, entrepreneurs and leading business personalities to explore new opportunities in the real potential of growth of our nation.The minister said the government was working aggressively towards creating a comprehensive start of ecosystem so as to channel the real potential of this growing market. He said that in the World Bank doing business report 2020, Pakistan improved by 28 points on the ease of doing business ranking from 136 to 108 out of 190 economies. He said in order to make national economy grow faster, it is utterly important to continue efforts to ensure a conducive business environment.The government has taken measures which will guarantee and ensure that the business community’s investments in Punjab are secured and their returns are assured. The Punjab government has recently launched e-pay, a mobile application for all business to government and public to government payments in order to facilitate the public and improve country’s revenue collection through easy payment solutions, he concluded.Kilns’ closure delayed: Environment Protection Secretary Salman Ijaz has said that brick-kilns will not be closed immediately in case of improving of air quality index. He stressed upon kiln owners to make their kilns environment friendly by converting the same on zigzag technology to get production throughout the year. This was stated by him while presiding over a meeting here Friday.Director General Environment Tanveer Ahmad Warraich, Director Environment Naseem-ur-Rehman, central and provincial presidents of All Pakistan Mines and Mineral Associations Mir Behroz and Khalid Pervaiz, Chairperson Hyderabad Mir Samad, other representatives, owners of kilns and coal agents were present on this occasion.

Riaz Haq said...

Some countries are punching above their weight relative to their levels of #socioeconomic development. In absolute numbers, for example, #Pakistan has 17 institutions in the THE (Times Higher Education) rankings, rising from 9 just 2 years ago. #education https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20200904144130390

Very tentatively, some realignment within Asian economies can be identified. The share of ranked institutions accounted for by the more developed countries, including Japan and South Korea, has declined. India presents a mixed outlook, with a rise in places in the THE ranking over the past three years, but slight declines in the other two rankings schema, while Malaysian institutions are moving up.

Also of note, as part of this emergent realignment, is the rise in rankings of ‘green shoot’ countries including Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam and, to some extent, the Philippines.

In some of these cases, countries are punching above their weight relative to their levels of economic and social development. In absolute numbers, for example, Pakistan has 17 institutions in the THE ranking, rising from nine just two years ago.

However, there are a number of caveats. First, is that in the THE ranking there are significantly more ranked institutions this year (and previously), thus widening the pool.

Second, in the top 200 in the THE ranking, Asia is represented by China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Other emerging Asian countries, including India, have not cracked the top 200. That takes time and patience.

Third, the tentative realignment within Asia should not be overstated because, for example, Japan and South Korea (and even to some extent Taiwan), the more developed countries in Asia, still account for very significant numbers of

Riaz Haq said...

Interview: Pakistan should seize opportunity to learn from China's scientific advancement: Pakistani scientist


"When the students return to Pakistan after completing advanced learning in China, Pakistan can get benefit from their expertise by hiring them at significant posts in colleges, universities and laboratories," the professor (Dr. Ataur Rahman) at the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) of the University of Karachi told Xinhua.

"It will not only provide the scientists a platform to conduct further research, but also give them a chance to teach advanced sciences to other students, and the whole process will gradually set the base of scientific studies on modern grounds in the country," Rahman added.

"I always suggest that Pakistan should start taking benefit from China right now so that Pakistani students and researchers can grow with China in the field of science."

An alumnus of King's College of Britain's University of Cambridge from where he received his PhD in organic chemistry in 1968, Rahman has won lots of awards in Pakistan including the highest national award Nishan-e-Imtiaz for his services to the country in the field of science, apart from a number of other international awards.


"I also have a number of international co-publications with Chinese scientists. Many Chinese scientists and pharmaceutical companies have visited Pakistan to conduct research in the ICCBS. By all these research and publications, I have made a small effort to promote Chinese science in the world."

The professor is also the head of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's task force on science and technology. The task force is aimed at making the country standout in the world in "specific and targeted fields."

"Initially we have identified five areas including education, agriculture, minerals, information technology, and linkages of innovation with society which will focus on engineering and emerging sciences. Two new universities are also being established to give education of applied science."

Development budget of the country's science and technology has increased six-fold this year to encourage innovation, he said, adding that one of the main focuses of the Pakistani government is to change the direction of the country's economy from agricultural economy to knowledge and science economy.

"China will be a great help for Pakistan to achieve the target and for that purpose we are forming 20 centers of excellence in various universities of the country with the help of China," the professor said. These centers will include artificial intelligence in health sciences, hybrid seed production, virology, nanotechnology, railways engineering, agricultural food processing, mineral extraction and processing among others.

Many top Chinese institutes and universities including Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China National Rice Research Institute and Wuhan Institute of Virology among others will cooperate with Pakistan to make these centers of excellence a success story, he added.

"I have a long and cordial association with China, and these centers of excellence will form linkages of young Pakistani scientists with China too, and they will act as an engine of scientific advancement for Pakistan by learning from China."

Sharing his vision regarding the potential of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in development of science and technology in the country, the professor said that Pakistan should form joint industrial ventures in high-tech manufacturing with China to benefit from Chinese technological advancement and the Pakistani government is also working towards that direction in special economic zones.

Riaz Haq said...

In 1962, a landmark legislation laid the foundation of vocational training in Pakistan. The Apprenticeship Ordinance, 1962 was promulgated by the government of Gen Ayub Khan to feed the growing industries with skilled technicians and process operators.


This was followed by the Apprenticeship Rules in 1966, which quite comprehensively provided modalities of the training scheme, obligations of both the employers and apprentices and the latter’s terms and conditions of apprenticeship.

The Ordinance of 1962, has been made applicable to undertakings employing fifty or more persons, as are notified by the provincial government in the official gazette. The notified undertaking is obliged to introduce and operate an apprenticeship programme and get it registered with the Competent Authority defined in the Ordinance.

Such undertaking is required to train apprentices in the proportion of a minimum of twenty percent of the total number of persons employed in the ‘apprenticeable trade’. For instance, if an undertaking employs five electricians, it should have at least one apprentice in this trade. There are more than three hundred vocational professions to choose from, encompassing different areas.

The induction of the Ordinance met with immense success and all the notified undertakings established their apprenticeship centers in accordance with the law. The most notable among them was the remarkable apprenticeship training center established by the American corporate giant Exxon Chemical Pakistan Limited at its fertilizer plant in Daharki (Sindh).

In the late 1960s, the Exxon corporation was attracted to install a plant in Pakistan looking at its rapid pace of industrial development. The company not only imparted training to apprentices in mechanical and chemical trades for two to three years duration but also devised a competitive scheme for their career development in the post apprenticeship employment of the company. Exxon’s successor company Engro Fertilizer Limited continues to follow the scheme.

The federal government has promulgated the Apprenticeship Act, 2018 by repealing the Ordinance of 1962, which has become outdated. However, due to the 18th Amendment, provisions of the act of 2018 extend only to the Islamabad Capital Territory. The provinces should make and enforce their own apprenticeship acts, to revive the effectiveness of a most beneficial training scheme.

In order to supplement the apprenticeship scheme and boost vocational training in the country, the government promulgated the National Training Ordinance, 1980, which was amended through the Amendment Ordinance, 2002. The purpose of the ordinance was to constitute training boards in the respective provinces to regulate and promote vocational training facilities in various fields. By virtue of this ordinance, the scope of vocational training has widened beyond the confines of notified undertakings. While the apprenticeship training extends only to the apprentices enrolled with some undertaking, any person whether or not he/she is employed, can join the vocational training institutes established all over Pakistan, to learn the desired skill.

The National Board has 17 different functions relating to promotion of technical, vocational and in-plant training and skill development etc. The provincial boards have nine functions, which include: (a) registration and licensing of establishments, organizations or institutions, which are offering vocational training; and (b) conducting trade tests and certifying the skilled persons and trainers, who may have received vocational training through any source or acquired the skill through experience or informal system of Ustad-Shagird.

Most of Pakistan’s blue-collar workers learn their work informally and have little to no formal academic education. However, raw potential is not a substitute for proper industrial skills-based training.

Riaz Haq said...

First solar school project in Pakistan inaugurated at Benchmark School


According to Ms. Kulsoom Tanvir, Principal of Benchmark Schools, “We are very proud of being the first solar school project in Pakistan. The idea behind this project is to engage the youth of Pakistan in the areas of climate change and renewable energy resources. We appreciate all our students, teachers and project partners and hope to continue and build upon such projects in the future.”
The solar school project aims to spark the enthusiasm of the young generation for renewable energy sources, particularly in countries in which the awareness of renewables is still low. As a part of the project, local installers place a solar system specially designed for teaching purposes, which is then integrated into school lessons. The solar schools are also provided with so-called solar suitcases, which are used to integrate the topic of solar energy into physics lessons in a practical way with interactive experiments. The project started in 2021, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Before Benchmark School, 4 schools joined the project and network, in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Karshi (Uzbekistan), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Astana (Kazakhstan).

Riaz Haq said...

Government to establish 10 IT parks by next year: IT Ministry - Pakistan - Business Recorder


The government has announced the establishment of ten new Software Technology Parks across the country by next year, according to Radio Pakistan.

This was stated during a briefing by the Ministry of Information Technology to a high-level meeting chaired by Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad.

The meeting was informed that 100 new e-employment centers will also be set up in the country by next year.

The project of Islamabad IT Park will be completed next year with the cooperation of South Korea. It will provide startups, incubation centers, banks, restaurants, and other facilities.

The meeting was informed that South Korea is also collaborating in establishing an information technology park project near Jinnah International Airport in Karachi which will be completed by 2027.

So far, 43 software technology parks have been established in 29 cities of the country.


Tech parks for growth


In today’s fast-paced global economy, technology parks play a crucial role in fostering industrial development by providing an ecosystem conducive to innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship.

These designated areas are often referred to as research and technology parks or science parks. They can serve as catalysts for economic growth, driving technological advancements, attracting investment, and nurturing talent. By bringing together academia, industry, and government, these parks facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange, leading to breakthrough discoveries and technological advancements.

They are often located within or near universities so that they have ready access to highly trained workers in various fields. In Pakistan, I was involved in establishing a technology park in the National University of Science and Technology in Islamabad as well as setting up several software technology parks in early 2001 in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar. More recently, an excellent technology park was established under my supervision within the Pak-Austria Fachhochschule (University of Applied Science and Engineering) in Haripur, Hazara.

Technology parks play a crucial role in enhancing the competitiveness of industries by providing access to state-of-the-art infrastructure, specialized facilities, and cutting-edge equipment. Companies located within technology parks benefit from shared resources such as research laboratories, testing facilities, and prototyping centres, enabling them to accelerate the development and commercialization of new products.

Moreover, the clustering effect of technology parks encourages the formation of industry clusters, where companies operating in related sectors can collaborate, share best practices, and access a pool of skilled talent.

Riaz Haq said...

China to Establish Over 22 Centers of Excellence for Technical Training in Pakistan


China is set to establish over 22 Centers of Excellence in Pakistan to provide advanced technical and vocational training, along with Chinese language proficiency.

The initiative was solidified through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Pakistan’s National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and China’s TANG International Education Group.

UK and Middle East to launch 280 skills centers in Pakistan


The Government of the United Kingdom, along with Middle East institutions, plans to create 280 skills centers across Pakistan, aiming to provide jobs to millions of Pakistanis worldwide. A high-level British delegation is currently on a two-day visit to discuss cooperation in education, focusing on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

The delegation includes notable figures such as Lord Boateng, House of Lords member Wendy Thomson, University of London Vice-Chancellor, University of Greenwich Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Edward, Queen Mary University Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Grose, City and Guilds Regional Director Tony Degazon, Dr. Aamir, and GEMS Middle East Executive Director.

The visit aims to initiate skill development aligned with industry needs in Pakistan. Representing the Pakistani government were Federal Secretary Education Mohiyuddin Wani, Chairperson of the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) Miss Gulmina Bilal, and the Executive Director of NAVTTC.


EU, Germany to fund skills training centres


In a significant move to enhance youth employment opportunities in Pakistan, agreements were signed to transform select Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes into four Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

These centres aim to provide state-of-the-art skills training to youth, aligning with modern labour market needs through the provision of advanced equipment, updated curricula, and professionally trained teachers. This initiative is part of the EU's Global Gateway initiative, which focuses on leveraging public and private sector investments for global development.

Co-funded by the EU and Germany, the project is implemented by GIZ and the British Council, in collaboration with Pakistan's National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC). The broader goal is to strengthen the TVET sector, enhancing employability among the youth, especially in regions facing socio-economic challenges.

EU Delegation's Deputy Head to Pakistan, Philipp Oliver Gross, stressed the role of the Centres of Excellence in empowering Pakistan's youth, particularly women. He noted, "Pakistan's youth are its greatest asset. To unlock their potential, especially for young women, we need to create an environment where they can thrive. The EU is committed to supporting TVET for inclusive and sustainable growth."

The signing ceremony was attended by several officials including Secretary of Education Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani, European Union Deputy Ambassador Philipp Oliver Gross and representatives from NAVTTC and the provincial governments of Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.