The main source of these leaks are over 100 tapes of 5,000 recordings made by India's Enforcement Directorate and Income Tax authorities as part of their surveillance of Ms. Nira Radia. Radia lobbied government ministers and politicians on behalf of India's business elite, including the biggest business magnates Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata.

NDTV journalist Barkha Dutt and Hindustan Times columnist Vir Sanghvi are among those implicated by the tapes in the growing scandal. Initially, attention was focused on Ms. Dutt, who was accused of agreeing to pass on messages from Ms. Radia to the Congress party. Ms. Dutt denied that and defended herself on Twitter, in a statement and on television, and said that at most she had made an “error of judgment” in how she conversed with Ms. Radia.
The focus is now on on Mr. Sanghvi's role, according a Wall Street Journal report. In one of the tapes, Mr. Sanghvi sounded on one recording as if he was agreeing to slant his column on the feuding Ambani industrialist brothers according to Ms. Radia’s suggestions. Ms. Radia represents elder brother Mukesh Ambani, who controls Reliance Industries. Anil Ambani, the younger brother, controls the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Mr. Sanghvi tells Ms. Radia the piece is “dressed up as a plea to [Indian Prime Minister] Manmohan Singh so it won’t look like an inter-Ambani battle thing except to people in the know.” She responds: “Very nice.” In another conversation, between Ms. Radia and an employee, she asks for questions to be prepared for an interview between Mr. Sanghvi and Mukesh Ambani, saying that “he has agreed to ask whatever questions we suggest.”
In a court affidavit filed last week, the Indian government said it had begun tapping Ms Radia's phone after an allegation that she was spying for foreign intelligence.
Ms. Radia's telephone was tapped by the Indian government for 180 days during two separate stints in 2008 and 2009. Several hundreds of those call recordings have so far been leaked to Indian media outlets in the past few weeks. Some of these recordings have been posted on the Internet by India's Outlook and Open magazines.
Stung by the disclosures, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has asked cabinet secretary KM Chandrasekhar to investigate and report within a month. Singh said he "was aware of the nervousness in the corporate sector" over authorized phone-tapping. The Tata group chairman has taken legal action after his conversations with a lobbyist were leaked to media.
Here are some of the key revelations to date:
1. Billionaire businessman Mukesh Ambani is quoted as bragging that the ruling Congress Party is "Apni Dukan" (our shop), implying that he owns the ruling party.
2. Telecom minister Andimuthu Raja left an estimated $40 billion on the table by accepting bribes in exchange for lower bids from Indian and foreign bidders on 2G cellular spectrum auction, according to a New York Times report.
3. India's Highway Minister Kamal Nath is alleged to skim 15% on all the projects his ministry oversees.
There have long been allegations of corruption against Indian government ministers and politicians, but the tapes now confirm the extent of graft that was accidentally discovered by Indian authorities who were looking for evidence of Radia's possible involvement in spying for foreign nations.
There has long been a nexus of crime, corruption and politics in India. Of the 278 current Indian MPs for whom records are obtainable, 63 have criminal backgrounds. Of those, 11 have been charged with murder and two stand accused of dacoity (banditry). Other alleged misdemeanors range from fraud to kidnapping, according to data collected by National Election Watch, the campaign group that has put together the data.
Most Indian politicians have used their election wins to significantly enrich themselves, according to their own pre-election declarations of assets. For example, the comparison of assets of candidates who won in 2004 and sought re-elections in 2009 shows that the wealth of UP politicians has grown by 559%, over five times, in five years, second only to their Karnataka counterparts who registered a growth of 693% in the same period, according to a report..
Commenting on the scandal, Wharton's Professor Jitendra Singh says corruption in India is "heterogeneous and multifaceted," ranging from a simple bribe to systemic corruption, "where retrograde cultural norms get well-established in specific settings, such that a non-corrupt newcomer may well find it impossible to survive." Inferior cultural norms are the toughest to tackle, and those values could prove very difficult to unhinge, according to Singh. "In its abstract form, the gains in a transaction get disproportionately appropriated by actors in relation to their role in the creation of this value," he says. "This distorts incentives and, ultimately, values in a society and leads to inequitable distribution of income and wealth, and inefficient allocation of capital." He warns of "collective consequences such as the institutionalization of inferior cultural norms [for example, 'in order to succeed, you have to be dishonest, because everyone else is dishonest'] that may take generations, even centuries, to sort out meaningfully."
The telecom scandal may just be the tip of the iceberg. A broader and more serious independent inquiry is now necessary to find any evidence of widespread corruption as powerful Indian businessmen like Ambanis and Tatas use their power, influence and cash to garner resources or projects, whether mining rights, gas fields, land, infrastructure projects or the electromagnetic waves known as spectrum that carry cellphone service.
As to the role of the media, the US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said that "sunlight is the best disnifectant". Transparency is not possible when the mass media join the effort to block sunlight, as has been the case in India's telecom scandal. Instead of playing their role as watchdogs in a democracy, many in the Indian media have chosen to collaborate with corrupt politicians and greedy businessmen to enrich themselves. The Indian media are guilty of manufacuring consent in a favor of the powerful few against the interests of the vast majority of India's population that is among the poorest and the most deprived in the world.
To protect the future of democracy, sustain economic growth and ensure that the benefits of growth are shared equitably by India's population, emergence of an honest, transparent and ethical media are absolutely essential. I hope the sane members of the Indian media will now find a way to clean up their ranks and begin a serious self-policing effort based on a new set of sound standards of professional ethics.
Related Links:
Haq's Musings
Manufacturing Consent in India
Challenges of Indian Democracy
Poor, Hungry and Illiterate India
Radia Tapes and Transcripts of India's 2G Scandal
democracy getting converted into dynasty. Land and license grabbing is the name of game in india. Journalist are also part of the loot.
Where is the so called cover up?
Media, in most parts of the world is not a single hegemonic entity, which can suppress such huge scandals.
There are hundreds of TV channels and thousands of newspapers discussing and beaming minute to minute developments, aided by various experts.
But you can take note of such realities?
You are right on your agenda.
Please carry on
Anon: "Where is the so called cover up?"
It's worse than coverup; it's the big Indian media's role as accomplices.
Major TV personalities from big media like NDTV (Barkha Dutt) and Hindustan Times (Vir Sanghvi) actively participated with Ambani and Tata to rob the Indian treasury of the revenue, and then they tried to block publicaion of the leaked tapes. If it wasn't for brave people like Manu Joseph of Open magazine, the big media would have succeeded in getting away with crimes against the Indian people.
Knowing the way in which democracy works nothing will come out and all will go scot free as the person invovled are politicians. for all the mess even in usa only the business people have gone to jail not the politicians who had taken money and approved.
gunam: "even in usa only the business people have gone to jail not the politicians who had taken money and approved"
I agree with you, but there are exceptions such as US politicians Dan Rostenkowski, Duke Cunningham, Jim Trafficante and others who have been convicted and jailed in the for blatant corruption.
Unlike India, the US has a very elaborate and sophisticated scheme for politicians to get very rich very quickly at the expense of the's called campaign contributions through registered lobbyists in PACs (political action committees) funded by big business.
Unlimited political campaign contributions have legal cover under the guise of "free speech" and recently upheld/legitimized by the conservative majority of the US Supreme Court judges.
All democracies are inherently corrupt because the government is by far the biggest single spender in any given economy and all industrialists want government contracts,tailor made regulations etc.
Mature democracies have more sophisticated ways of covering it up than new democracies but like bears to the honey industrialists always have and always will try to cultivate politicians.
Look at how Goldman sachs has successfully subverted the regulatory agencies in the US the world's oldest democracy or BAE has thwarted investigations in alleged kickbacks for saudi defense contracts to how the Chaebol families effectively are immune from prosecution in South Korea.
But...Mankind is yet to devise a bettrer system of governance than democracy.
Anon: "But...Mankind is yet to devise a bettrer system of governance than democracy.'
What you are seeing in the US and India now is not genuine democracy, it is the hijacking of democracy by moneyed special interests. It is certainly not Lincoln's democracy as a government of the people, for the people, by the people.
What we are seeing now is the power of the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about.
Lincoln's democracy in US helped produce the likes of FDR and LBJ administrations which dramatically reduced poverty and constructed a large and prosperous middle class that helped democracy thrive until a couple of decades ago.
With the rise of the powerful banking and big business lobbies in Washington, the well-being of the American middle class is now threatened, as is the future of democracy itself.
It is certainly not Lincoln's democracy as a government of the people, for the people, by the people.
Lincoln's democracy was restricted to White males only.
Besides just because there wasn't much by the way of the popular press in those days who is to say special interests didn't run the US or every other country then or now.
Special interests have always 'hijacked' every democracy in the UK it was and is the upper class white male with the clepped oxbridge accent who call the shots,in France its the graduates of the ENA,in Japan its the nexus between LDP-big business and beuraucrats....
With the rise of the powerful banking and big business lobbies in Washington, the well-being of the American middle class is now threatened, as is the future of democracy itself.
the demise of the US and other I world middle class is due to globalization and other uncontrollable phenomenon in the 60s and 70s blue collar ford workers could be paid middle class Ford will go bankrupt if forced to compensate workers with middle class salaries...
thats why the southern states with low wages are now the new autohub of usa.
Anon: "the demise of the US and other I world middle class is due to globalization and other uncontrollable phenomenon in the 60s and 70s blue collar ford workers could be paid middle class Ford will go bankrupt if forced to compensate workers with middle class salaries..."
I think the German model that maintains high-value manufacturing and export-driven economy shows how a strong, prosperous middle class can be mantained in a western industrialized economy.
The Germans have been very focused in grooming highly-skilled workforce in precision, high-quality engineering industries through their public-private partnership, and they have maintaind production of high-end Mercedes and BMW cars and various precision machine tools in their country that even the Chinese are forced to buy from Germans, tilting the trade balance in Germans' favor.
As a rule the model is past its prime when it starts to receive the maximum praise.Japan frenzy reached its peak in the 80s which on hindsight was an unsustainable bubble.
BMW,MB,Audi produce more outside Germany than inside Germany.Audi will produce more in China than Germany in a couple of years..
Besides the German model will show its cracks once China slows which it invariably will this decade...
Anon: "As a rule the model is past its prime when it starts to receive the maximum praise.Japan frenzy reached its peak in the 80s which on hindsight was an unsustainable bubble."
I don't think the idea of a highly-skilled workforce producing unique, differentiated brand-name products is a fad about to disapear.
I don't think the idea of a highly-skilled workforce producing unique, differentiated brand-name products is a fad about to disapear.
Really?Firstly a few issues with Germany.
1.Superb education only to 25% of the children who attend gymnasium schools the rest are effectively DEBARRED from university education.
2.Negative growth rate of ethnic german population and a v high growth of muslim(mainly turkish population)
3.Chained to the broadly inefficient eurozone.80% of its exports are inside the EU at the expense of others.
4.Less strength in cutting edge industries IT,biotech,nanotech etc etc.Focussed on classic engineering mechanical etc.
"Japan frenzy reached its peak in the 80s which on hindsight was an unsustainable bubble."
An average company in DAX 30 is several decades old. Most of these companies with the exception of SAP have survived 2 world wars, 2 hyper inflations and one depression. Add to this the uncelebrated champions in Mittelstand which employs around 70 percent of Germans and make everthing from artificial limps to specialized glass cases for Smartphones. Do you call this a bubble?
And Gee when did CBI wake up...reminds of the Bell and CA Attorney General coma (woken up by LA Times investigation!).
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FIIs' sell-off plunged Sensex by 454 pts as recently as Dec 9, according to Financial Express:
The BSE benchmark Sensex today recorded second biggest fall in a month by losing over 454 points today on year-end selling by foreign funds in banking and realty sectors, amid rise in food inflation that could signal a possibility of interest rate hike.
The Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex, which had lost 285 points in last two trading sessions, tumbled by 454.12 points to 19,242.36, after dipping to 19,160.87 as financial and realty stocks continued to be battered. On November 16 the index fell 444 points.
The National Stock Exchange index Nifty fell by 137.20 points to 5,766.50, after touching the day's low of 5,742.30.
Major market players pressed 'panic' button on reports of the deepening crisis over the 2G spectrum allocation scam and food inflation rising to 8.69 per cent from 8.60 per cent for the week ended November 27.
Already battered banking and realty segments on hike in deposit rate concerns, fell further as investors felt that food inflation might fuel overall inflation and could lead banking regulator RBI to raise interest rate for the seventh time since March.
The reports of Employees Provident Fund suspending further investment in LIC Housing Finance, further fuelled the down-trend in last one-hour trading. The LIC Housing stock tumbled by 7.26 per cent to Rs 894.10.
Besides, foreign funds were off-loading on approaching year-ending in the absence of any positive trigger from domestic front and uncertainty in the global economies, especially European.
In the 30-BSE index components, 27 stocks declined while three others ended with gains. The consumer durable index was the biggest loser followed by realty, metal and banking.
The banking index suffered further losses by falling 3.24 per cent to 12,645.15. State Bank of India, the largest lender, slid for a sixth day to its lowest level in almost four months. HDFC, a mortgage lender, fell 1.85 per cent.
Another interest-linked Realty sector index was lower by 4.76 per cent to 2,704.95, on fears that the RBI's policy rate changes might impact the sale of houses and developments.
Here's a BBC report about alarm over rising corruption in India:
A group of eminent Indians says they are "alarmed" by the rising corruption which is "corroding the fabric" of the nation.
In an 'open letter', they have expressed concern about "widespread governance deficit almost in every sphere of national activity".
The group includes businessman Azim Premji and ex-central bank governor Bimal Jalan.
A number of corruption scandals have shaken India in recent months.
"Possibly, the biggest issue corroding the fabric of our nation is corruption. This malaise needs to be tackled with a sense of urgency, determination and on a war footing," the group wrote in an 'open letter to our leaders'.
The letter said that independent anti-corruption bodies should be set up "speedily".
The Congress party-led government is battling allegations of corruption over the allocation of telecom licences - why so-called 2G spectrum phone licences were sold in 2008 for a fraction of their value, costing the government $37bn (£23bn) in lost revenue, according to the national auditor.
Another high-profile inquiry is continuing into claims that organisers of the Delhi Commonwealth Games swindled millions of dollars from the October event.
Congress party president Sonia Gandhi said recently that corruption was a disease in India.
The group wrote that it was also "alarmed at the widespread governance deficit most in every sphere of national activity covering government, business and institutions".
"Widespread discretionary decision making have been routinely subjected to extraneous influences.
"The topmost responsibility of those at the helm of the nation's affairs must be to urgently restore the self-confidence and self-belief of Indians in themselves and in the State as well as in Indian business and public institutions which touch the lives of every Indian."
A recent report by US-based group Global Financial Integrity said the illegal flight of capital through tax evasion, crime and corruption had widened inequality in India.
Many also accuse governments and politicians of corruption in India.
India's corporate mafia is fuelling corruption, says Prashant Bhushan, according to
"The corporate mafia has come to control every institution of power and governance, be it politicians, bureaucracy, police and, to an extent, judiciary also," Bhushan told IANS in an exclusive interview.
"The corporate houses have become monstrously large and a law unto themselves. They get the law and policies made and decision taken including judicial decisions," he said, adding "very often they decide what the media will report or not report".
Bhushan, the son of eminent jurist and former law minister Shanti Bhushan, said any fight against corruption and for redeeming democratic institutions had to commence with transparency.
"The situation today is much worse than what it was in the early 1970s. At that time we did not have the corporate mafia controlling all the institutions. That was a situation when a powerful prime minister temporarily choked off democracy. Today, this corporate mafia is accountable and more dangerous," Bhushan asserted.
"This system is so bad. There is no point in preserving the illusion of functional democracy when it is clear that most institutions of democracy have crumbled or are non-functional. We need to restore proper democracy in the country and not preserve an illusion of democracy."
The lawyer said the only prescription for rescuing Indian governance from "corporate mafia" was "transparency" and people's right to know about the functioning of the state apparatus.
"Unless we wake up and start engaging in public issues and affairs, we are heading towards disaster," said Bhushan, who is facing contempt of court proceedings for highlighting the alleged misconduct of an apex court judge.
It was Bhushan who convinced the Supreme Court to monitor the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the allocation of 2G airwaves to telecom companies. He also spoke on his fight against corruption and allegations against Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) P.J. Thomas.
He said India was in a "very serious situation" and the "biggest threat was corruption that had spread in every vital sphere of the state's functioning".
The crumbling democratic institutions could be "repaired and restored" provided there was a "very strong people's movement in the country that would bring pressure on the institutions".
"Though the judiciary can play a useful role in that process", in the final count it needed the backing of a strong people's movement, he said.
"I think all problems have to be dealt with simultaneously. You cannot shut your eye to a problem in one institution in order to highlight it in another institution. This is a shortsighted policy which does not pay in the long run," he said.
Advocating an independent media, he said that the media should not be controlled by corporate houses or those who have a direct or indirect interest in other business.
Is India in coma? asks Mohan Murti in an Op ED the Hindu:
A few days ago I was in a panel discussion on mergers and acquisitions in Frankfurt, Germany, organised by Euroforum and The Handelsblatt, one of the most prestigious newspapers in German-speaking Europe.
The other panellists were senior officials of two of the largest carmakers and two top insurance companies — all German multinationals operating in India.
European disquiet
Questions ranged from “Is your nation in a coma?”, the corruption in judiciary, the possible impeachment of a judge, the 2G scam and to the money parked illegally in tax havens.
It is a fact that the problem of corruption in India has assumed enormous and embarrassing proportions in recent years, although it has been with us for decades. The questions and the debate that followed in the panel discussion was indicative of the European disquiet. At the end of the Q&A session, I surmised Europeans perceive India to be at one of those junctures where tripping over the precipice cannot be ruled out.
In a popular prime-time television discussion in Germany, the panellist, a member of the German Parliament quoting a blog said: “If all the scams of the last five years are added up, they are likely to rival and exceed the British colonial loot of India of about a trillion dollars.”
One German business daily which wrote an editorial on India said: “India is becoming a Banana Republic instead of being an economic superpower. To get the cut motion designated out, assurances are made to political allays. Special treatment is promised at the expense of the people. So, Ms Mayawati who is Chief Minister of the most densely inhabited state, is calmed when an intelligence agency probe is scrapped. The multi-million dollars fodder scam by another former chief minister wielding enormous power is put in cold storage. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chairs over this kind of unparalleled loot.”
An article in a French newspaper titled “Playing the Game, Indian Style” wrote: “Investigations into the shadowy financial deals of the Indian cricket league have revealed a web of transactions across tax havens like Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, Mauritius and Cyprus.” In the same article, the name of one Hassan Ali of Pune is mentioned as operating with his wife a one-billion-dollar illegal Swiss account with “sanction of the Indian regime”.
A third story narrated in the damaging article is that of the former chief minister of Jharkhand, Madhu Koda, who was reported to have funds in various tax havens that were partly used to buy mines in Liberia. “Unfortunately, the Indian public do not know the status of that enquiry,” the article concluded.
“In the nastiest business scam in Indian records (Satyam) the government adroitly covered up the political aspects of the swindle — predominantly involving real estate,” wrote an Austrian newspaper. “If the Indian Prime Minister knows nothing about these scandals, he is ignorant of ground realities and does not deserve to be Prime Minister. If he does, is he a collaborator in crime?”
The Telegraph of the UK reported the 2G scam saying: “Naturally, India's elephantine legal system will ensure culpability, is delayed.”
Blinded by wealth
This seems true. In the European mind, caricature of a typical Indian encompasses qualities of falsification, telling lies, being fraudulent, dishonest, corrupt, arrogant, boastful, speaking loudly and bothering others in public places or, while travelling, swindling when the slightest of opportunity arises and spreading rumours about others. The list is truly incessant.
Europeans believe that Indian leaders in politics and business are so blissfully blinded by the new, sometimes ill-gotten, wealth and deceit that they are living in defiance, insolence and denial to comprehend that the day will come, sooner than later, when the have-nots would hit the streets..
Soutik Biswas of BBC on "Why India's big, fat weddings will never stop":
The big, fat Indian wedding returned to the front pages of newspapers this week: reportedly a $55m gig with 20,000 guests, a Bell helicopter as dowry, a 100-dish menu, a dozen TV screens showing a video feed of the proceedings, and even a $5,000 tip for the groom's barber. The groom's father - a rich Congress party politician and real estate magnet, exemplifying the intersection of politics and new money in India - wryly remarked that the media reports of the wedding were speculative.
For the Congress party-led government whose credibility is battered by a tsunami of corruption scandals, the hugely ostentatious wedding by a party member should come as an embarrassment, many here feel. One minister is reported to have said recently that nearly 15% of India's grain and vegetables is wasted through "extravagant and luxurious functions". Party chief Sonia Gandhi has pleaded with her workers to be frugal and her MPs to fly economy class. The embattled PM, Manmohan Singh, had feebly exhorted businessmen to refrain from ostentatious displays of wealth because such "vulgarity insults the poor". But what he possibly forgets is that the poor in India are actually insulted every day by many of the men and women they vote into power.
The government is apparently working on a law to curb waste at extravagant weddings and functions. No law will be able to change soon a people and society that remain deeply hierarchical, feudal and class-conscious. At one end of the scale a hapless farmer may take ruinous loans from money-lenders to host a wedding beyond his means. At the other end a billionaire unabashedly builds the world's priciest home (more than $1bn) in Mumbai where half the people live in slums. All this is symptomatic of a society which thrives on perpetuating inequity. With near double-digit growth, there's going to be more money to throw around and flaunt. So don't expect any lame law to curb India's vulgar, overblown weddings any time soon.
The authorities in India have arrested a stud farm owner accused of tax evasion and money laundering, according to the BBC:
Hasan Ali Khan is alleged to have hidden $8bn (£4.9bn) in Swiss banks.
Mr Khan was detained in the western city of Pune and later taken to Mumbai (Bombay) following searches at his home and offices. He denies wrong-doing.
Last week, the Supreme Court criticised the government for not having the "will power" to act against those illegally funnelling wealth overseas.
The Supreme Court set 8 March as the deadline for the government to tell it how it proposes to tackle so-called "black money".
In an angry outburst last week, its judges demanded to know why Mr Khan and others were not being taken into custody and questioned.
"What the hell is going on in this country?" they asked, using unusually strong language for court.
Mr Khan insists he has not acted illegally. "I am innocent. I haven't done anything wrong," he told reporters after his arrest on Monday.
The US-based group Global Financial Integrity estimates that India has lost more than $460bn in illegal capital flight since Independence.
Almost three-quarters of the illegal money that comprises India's underground economy ends up outside the country, it said in a report last year.
India's underground economy has been estimated to account for 50% of the country's GDP - $640bn at the end of 2008.
Authorities say the government is taking measures to bring back the illegal money, but say there are difficulties in sharing the information because of confidentiality treaties between countries.
The BBC is reporting that widespread corruption in India costs billions of dollars and threatens to derail the country's growth, according to a survey.
The report by consultancy firm KMPG said that the problem had become so endemic that foreign investors were being deterred from the country.
It was compiled by questioning 100 top domestic and foreign businesses.
Its release comes as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh struggles to cope in the battle against corruption.
Earlier this month the head of the country's anti-corruption watchdog was forced to resign by the Supreme Court on the grounds that he himself faces corruption charges.
Over the last six months India has been hit by a series of corruption scandals including a multi-billion dollar telecoms scandal, alleged financial malpractices in connection with the Commonwealth Games and allegations that houses for war widows were diverted to civil servants.
Mega scams
"Today India is faced with a different kind of challenge," the report said.
"It is not about petty bribes (bakshish) any more, but scams to the tune of thousands of crores (billions of rupees) that highlight a political/industry nexus which, if not checked, could have a far reaching impact.
"Corruption poses a risk to India's projected 9% GDP growth and may result in a volatile political and economic environment."
Critics of the government say that recent scandals point to a pervasive culture of corruption in Mr Singh's administration - adding to the difficulties of a politician once seen as India's most honest.
The government denies the claims and has set up a parliamentary inquiry into corruption.
The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says that most Indians routinely pay bribes for a number of services such as getting a driver's licence or a passport.
But, our correspondent says, the KPMG survey makes clear that corruption is now no longer about such petty bribes but mega scams where billions of dollars are siphoned off by government and industry.
The worst-hit areas as identified by the report were real estate and construction - a priority for Delhi which plans to spend $1.5tn over the next decade to improve its over-burdened infrastructure.
The report said that the country's telecommunications industry was also badly affected.
Telecoms Minister Andimuthu Raja resigned in November, denying allegations that he had undersold billions of dollars worth of mobile phone licences. He is now under arrest.
However the KMPG report was not all gloomy. It said that despite the murky regulatory environment, business remained active in India with more than half of those surveyed saying they were unaffected by corruption.
More than 80% of respondents disagreed that corruption had reduced their ability to access domestic or foreign funds, while 55% disagreed that corruption had affected their business.
Here are some excerpts from The Economist story on India's "oligarchic" capitalism:
MANY Indians take justifiable pride in the rise of “India Inc”. Since winning independence from the licence and permit Raj 20 years ago, Indian companies have grown in size and scope, venturing into overseas markets and snapping up foreign companies. But even as Indians celebrate the rise of their country’s companies, they fret about the longer shadows those firms now cast. They worry that India’s corporate titans are too firmly entrenched, and too deeply ensconced in the corridors of power.
In the telephone conversations of a corporate lobbyist, tapped by the tax authorities and leaked to the media, Indians have heard ministries described as ATM machines and the ruling party referred to as “our shop”. They have read reports of companies wildly overcharging the government for the Commonwealth games and underpaying for mobile-telephone spectrum. The fear is that Indian capitalism is turning oligarchic.
Oligarchs begin as oligopolists: market power and political power tend to go hand-in-hand. Many people assume that 20 years of liberalisation has largely stripped India’s corporate establishment of its market muscle. But a 2009 paper* by Laura Alfaro of Harvard Business School and Anusha Chari of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill documented an economy still surprisingly dominated by incumbents. The authors drew on a database kept by the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy, which covers every firm that files financial statements.
As the economy opened up, the database recorded the birth of thousands of new, private firms. By 2005 it contained 8,864 firms under 20 years’ old, amounting to 56% of the total. But these firms’ clout did not match their numbers. They accounted for only 15% of corporate assets, 17% of sales and 13% of profits. About three-quarters of the economy was still in the hands of state firms and old, private firms born before 1985.
In a new paper**, Ashoka Mody of the IMF, Anusha Nath of Boston University and Michael Walton of Harvard echo this finding. Looking at companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, they find that stand-alone, private firms increased their share of sales from 1989 to 2008, largely at the expense of state firms. But state firms hung on to a 37% share and India’s big family-owned conglomerates, known as business houses, actually increased theirs
Hi Riaz
There is a better system thn democracy it is called the
resource based economy
Look up
It is better than capitalism, socialism, fasccim and anything you care to think of.
You are a good man and I feel you could do better by looking at the Venus project and the Zeitgeist movement.
Watchdog Calls out #India for Failing to Protect Journalists - ABC News - #freedomofexpression via @ABC
India is failing to help and protect journalists who are facing violent threats or attacks for their work, an international watchdog agency said Monday, noting a pattern of resistance in investigating crimes targeting reporters.
The Committee to Protect Journalists counted 27 journalists killed for their work since 1992, and noted that it was still investigating more than two dozen cases to determine whether those journalists' deaths were also work-related. Most at risk are small-town journalists investigating corruption, rather than journalists in big cities like New Delhi or Mumbai.
The New York-based watchdog said in a report released Monday that it could find only one case in 10 years in India in which a suspect was prosecuted and convicted for killing a journalist, but that the suspect was later released on appeal.
"Perpetrators are seldom arrested," said Sujata Madhok of the Delhi Union of Journalists, according to the report. "The torturously slow Indian judicial system, together with corruption in the police force and the criminalization of politics, makes it possible to literally get away with murder."
The watchdog's findings are supported by another report, released in 2015 by India's own media watchdog, the Press Council of India. That report found that even though the country's democratic institutions and independent judiciary were strong, people who killed journalists were getting away with impunity.
"The situation is truly alarming," the Press Council said, warning that the trend could hurt India's democracy, and pressing Parliament to pass a nationwide law ensuring journalists' safety.
The Committee to Protect Journalists blamed successive Indian governments and local officials for doing little to address a problem that has existed for decades.
It noted that while newspaper reports on corruption scandals made for attention-grabbing headlines, those same corruption investigations tended to end abruptly if an involved journalist was killed.
"No government in India has been an ardent champion of press freedom," the report said. "Small-town journalists, even if a handful work for big media, will often find themselves alone and abandoned when trouble strikes."
The report focused on three cases of journalist killings in India, including the death in July 2015 of investigative reporter Akshay Singh, who was working on a story linked to an alleged $1 billion racket for providing jobs and college admissions in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.
A month before that, freelance reporter Jagendra Singh died after being set on fire while reporting on allegations of rape and land fraud leveled against a local minister in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.
And in 2011 in the eastern state of Chattisgarh, journalist Umesh Rajput was shot dead while investigating alleged medical negligence as well as separate claims that a politician's son was involved in an illegal gambling business.
"I can think of several cases where the police's first response to a threat, attack or killing of a journalist was to claim that the victim was not a journalist, or that the attack was not work-related," the report quoted Mumbai-based editor Geeta Seshu of the media-themed website The Hoot as saying.
Indian journalists contacted by The Associated Press agreed that while journalists were key in exposing the country's widespread and endemic corruption, they were doing so despite inadequate safety guarantees.
Authorities need to take the risk more seriously or risk having reporters abandon their investigations, journalists said.
"Journalists have become vulnerable to pressure from local mafia, businesses, newspaper managements and the government," said Rahul Jalali, president of New Delhi's press club.
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